Chapter 10: The Alpha Boy

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"Even I don't know what's been happening anymore, Beta. But there's one thing that I know for sure will happen once the Alpha noticed his son's presence. A battle may take place between them, two opposing great power will fight, and may possibly cause greater danger to our land and its people. So, I am pleading to you, Beta, along with the others who are with you. Please, help us with this because I don't think any of us can do anything to prevent it" Dimitri sincerely asked for Michael's help.

"Alright then Dimitri, you can count on us. It's a good thing that I followed my instinct the moment I felt Jasper's immense but strange power. We immediately decided to go here and take a look at it. We are nearing the wall now" said ex-Beta Michael.

"Oh, great! That's a relief to hear, Beta Michael. Thank you so much. And, oh, I think both of our teams just made it at the same time! I can already see your team from where we are coming from."

"Yeah, you are right. We can see you from here as well. Let us all head to where the ruckus is and just do whatever we can to stop this imposing threat" said Michael and with those last words from him, after nodding their heads with each other even though they are meters apart, they run swiftly towards the Safe Wall's direction where the strange power is coming from.

When Dimitri's and ex-Beta Michaels's team arrived at the battle area in front of the Safe Wall, the scene that confronted them somewhat stunned all of them. Jasper is there in all his glory, standing firmly in his absolutely alpha form, seemingly out of his sanity as they saw the scattered and bleeding injured bodies of the warriors, some with severed hands and limbs lying on the ground as if almost dying in pain already. None of the thousand soldiers were still standing, only the fully transformed alpha boy. What struck more of the newly arrived wolves is that Jasper's body is slightly glowing with a thin, pale-red outline as he keeps on stamping on the ground and growling in a deep, loudly, and not-so-charming voice as his head is angled upward the sky.

"Oh no! What the hell have you done to them, Jasper?" Michael asked no one in particular.

"Damn, did he do all that just by himself? Whatta... Guys, do remind me to never be on his bad side ever. He's like a monster when-

"Acck! Hhhelp! Please help! Jasp-per!"

All of a sudden, Jasper's menacing form appeared right in front of Dimitri's soldier to everyone's amazement. He then grabbed the man's neck disabling him to speak more and pushed his face near him. The soldier, in his struggling consciousness, noticed how his two eyes looked very angry and flashed in golden yellow with three, deep-red, raindrop-shaped on it.

"What did you just call me? I'm an M-O-N-S-T-E-R? Why, do you ever have an idea what a monster does? Do you?" Jasper furiously asked the man who is obviously having a hard time telling him that it's not what he meant to tell but all that's coming out of his mouth is inaudible sounds like, "Ngg... Ngg..."

"What? Say it loud, will you?" Jasper said in full sarcasm while gripping the man's neck in a tightening-loosing tempo.

"Let-go-of..." was all that the soldier managed to say the moment that Jasper's hold of him loosen a little. But to his horror, he just grimaced back to him and in a sneering remark, he said...

"What??? I can't hear you..." he asked in a sing-song voice.

"That's enough, Jasper! Let him go! You're going to kill him" Michael said in a seriously commanding voice after he got out of his trance from Jasper's unbelievable display of power.

"And what do you care, huh? So, what if I kill this insignificant creature? Do you want me to kill you instead?" answered Jasper in a growling voice. And as if to make a point that he doesn't give a care what the Beta was worrying about, he tightened his grip more on the almost pale-as-a-paper soldier.

"Aaaackk!" it's the soldier's last word before losing his consciousness, making his limp body looks like just a toy in Jasper's hand. Michael's forehead began to sweat coldly. He can see now how Jasper is completely out of himself. With what he did just a while ago, the speedy transition from his place to Dimitri's soldier which he failed to notice even with his wide eyes opened, and maybe even for the rest of the men that he's with, his power seemed way out of their league.

"Hey, we're not the enemy here. Come on, kid. Please calm yourself" Michael said with a reassuring tone hoping it would calm Jasper's raging demeanor.

"Calm myself, you say? And why would I? These useless soldiers were all doing their best to block my way despite my plea and now this one had just called me a MONSTER! Why? Do I look like a MONSTER to you too?"

"No, no! You're not a monster kid. No one is a monster here" Michael answered quickly to eliminate the idea forming in the boy's head. But the boy wasn't listening anymore as he just continued speaking to no one in particular.

"Could that be the reason why my father threw me out after one year that I was departed from them? Is that why they put me in jail and did this to me? Is that why they didn't want me near them? Is that why no one of you had even visited me? Is that why my father seemed so afraid to even hug me when he saw me again after a year? They are afraid of me because I am a MONSTER? I am a MONSTER so they don't want me around them anymore? Is that it, Beta? Is that it?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2022 ⏰

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