Chapter Seventeen

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 "Interesting story, but what's it have to do with your eyes turning into gold?" The German Empire said after the Austrian Empire was done. Austria-Hungary elbowed him in the side.

Because I recognized the feeling I just felt now. It was the same feeling I felt when Prussia died. ROE is back. AE signed.

"How can he be back? He's dead!" GE said.

Remember when I said that the gold spreads to wherever it touches? Well he always had a floating wreath of leaves around his head. I fear that he may have possessed it before he died. It's the source of his power too, so it makes a little bit of sense. AE explained. It sounds a little stupid, I know-

"No, it doesn't. It's quite logical, actually. I had always wondered why his wreath was still glowing even after he was all gold." GE agreed. Now he felt terrible. He was always blaming AE for the death of the Roman Empire and Prussia, but both were justifiable. AE was just defending himself. Yet GE had hated him for it.

I think we have to pay ROE a visit after saving RE. To make sure he can't hurt anyone else.

"You don't have to. I can kill the rest of him. No more deaths should be on your hands." GE volunteered. He had to make it up to his father's friend.

Thank you. AE smiled warmly at him. Now let's go-

"I have an objection." A-H said suddenly.

"What is it?" GE asked.

"I don't want to work with Serbia. I don't like him." They said.

I'm afraid you're going to have to. We need all the allies we can get on our team.

A-H sighed. "Fine. But I'm not pulling him out of harm's way if someone's stabbing him."

AE and GE rolled their eyes. 

"I think we should stay here though. Since Serbia and Bulgaria are on the team, it would be packed during the rescue." GE pointed out.

Ok, but we'll come get you if anything bad happens. Be ready.

"We will. 

(348 Words)

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