Chapter Nineteen

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The British Empire stood in a ring of fire. He had to end this here and now. That monster couldn't live any longer.

As the Austrian Empire held his bow nervously, BE rubbed his necklace for good luck. It was a simple piece of jewellery which meant nothing to most people. But BE had had it for a long time. It was one rope that held up a tiny ship in a bottle, with water inside of it. It was the source of his power, and he knew not to lose it. The necklace better give him luck today.

"Are you ready to pay for your crimes, AE?" BE asked.

You and I both know I am not a killer. Leave before another accident happens. AE said, concern lacing his fingers as he signed.

"You and I both know I never quit." BE snarled, before launching a tower of water towards AE. While he was distracted with that, BE swung his sword down on top of AE. His enemy managed to block with his bow, which clattered to the ground. There would be no long ranged attacks in this fight now.

AE grabbed an arrow, having no other weapons nearby, and stabbed at BE's head. BE ducked and pushed him back to get some breathing room.

While BE was recovering, AE took out his sword and charged. BE blocked, swung and stabbed, and they fought for a while. The only sounds were their heavy breathing, and the fires crackling behind them.

Finally, BE got the upper hand, and sliced AE across the arm. He stumbled back, raising his sword to block with his other arm.

BE knocked the other sword aside, and stabbed his enemy in the stomach, causing him to fall to the ground.

The British Empire looked down upon the creature that killed too many people. This was the right thing to do. Once AE died, there would be peace. Right? Or would BE and FE go back to hating each other, and more would die? Wouldn't this go on forever and ever until there was no one left?

As BE hesitated, the Austrian Empire got back on his feet and charged. The blue, red and white country wasn't ready, and raised his hand to shield himself.

Then his hand wasn't there anymore.

Glass flew everywhere. Water spilt on the floor, hissing on the hot floor and cooling the area down. His fragile hand was not to be compared with the might of a sword. The winner in durability was clear.

BE stared down at the stump of his wrist in shock, staring at the few glass shards left. AE stepped back, looking just as surprised.

BE collapsed, holding with his other hand the pieces of glass that were scattered around him. They dug into his knees and his skin but he didn't care. He only cared about this.

I-I-I can fix this! He thought desperately. I just need some glue, and more water! It'll be alright! Maybe I'm just dreaming, or hallucinating! This can't be real, it can't! BE had tears streaming down his cheeks. How did those get there?

In the meantime, AE looked uncertain, lowering his sword. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to go that far... He signed, his fingers shaking a little. Is there any way I can help?

"I don't need help," BE spat, glaring as he stood up, "from you!" He sent a wave of water crashing around him, sending AE flying. The fires extinguished, and the fights around him stopped. But the wave was only half as powerful as he had wanted it to be. He collapsed into sobs again, not caring who saw.

"BE! What happened?" The Spanish Empire ran over, looking down at the mess of blood and glass. "Oh my lord..."

"Bulgaria! Get us out of here!" REC was calling. The Gold Alliance teleported away seconds later, done with the battles. Good riddance.

BE's allies gathered around him, solemnly looking down at the remains of BE's hand. How would he go on?

 "I can't thank you enough for saving me." The Russian Empire said.

The Austrian Empire replied in sign language, which Serbia didn't know. It was probably something like: no problem!

After BE had gotten injured, Bulgaria had teleported them back to the Austrian Empire's castle before he collapsed, unconscious from blood loss. They were lucky to escape alive.

"We need to get medical attention. I don't know how much longer Bulgaria is going to live for, and AE is going to end up like him soon." Serbia stated.

"We also need to get off the grid for a while. Hopefully we can get a few days of rest before we get attacked again." REC pointed out.

We can go to A-H and GE's cabin. I don't think anyone else knows where it is. AE suggested, RE translating for Serbia.

"Let's go there then. They'll help us, right?" Serbia asked. He didn't know how AE's meeting with them went. They didn't show up to RE's rescue, but that was probably because there were way too many of them anyways.

Serbia also wasn't happy that they had to get help from Austria-Hungary. They didn't like each other very much. But if it helped AE and Bulgaria, Serbia would at least try not to glare at A-H while they were there.

AE did some more sign language, to which RE translated as: Yes, they agreed to join our alliance.

"Good." The Portuguese Empire sighed in relief. "Let's lie low for a while. Do they have-"

"Don't you dare ask if they have coffee." REC glared at him, but more in a teasing way than his normal hateful glares. Were they becoming friends?

"I was going to ask if they had any medical expertise," PE said, "but that too."

Then they left to hopefully plan out what they would do next. And get coffee. 

(989 Words)


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