Chapter Twenty-Four

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Belgium regretted it. He really regretted it. He had sat in his room for hours before finally deciding to do something about it.

"OE?" He called, knocking on the Ottoman Empire's door. It swung open to reveal OE glaring down at him. Shit, it's him. Belgium heard OE think. He shut the thoughts of the red country out of his head.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"I-I just wanted to say that I'm sorry." Belgium looked down.

"You're sorry? You ruined my life! Everyone thinks I am a liar, SWE didn't even trust me at first!"

"I want to make things right!" Belgium cried. "FE threatened to set me on fire if I didn't listen, and with BE injured... I feared I would die and she would be perfectly fine. I shouldn't have listened to her though. I should have told the truth, even if it meant I would get hurt. Again, I'm really sorry."

OE's eyes softened. "I... I forgive you. I suppose lying is better than dying. I already convinced SWE that FE was lying, so it's us against FE. Her word won't stand a chance against all of our's."

Belgium's face brightened. "Yeah! I'll tell the British Empire what happened, and we can confront her tomorrow!"

"I'm glad you came to apologise. Thank you."

"Thank you for forgiving me!"

"You're just a kid. FE will pay for threatening you, lying, and almost killing SWE. I will make sure of it."

After Belgium talked with BE, he told the other members of the Purple Alliance. They formed a plan to confront her in front of the castle together. Hopefully, she would run away instead of picking a fight.

Belgium was really nervous. He didn't regret talking to OE and the others, but he wished he didn't have the feeling that he would die because of it.

I swear if she threatens him again, I will shove my hook so far down her throat, she'll be breathing her own blood! He caught BE thinking. Belgium smiled, glad that he had his back.

"Hello, French Empire." The Spanish Empire greeted FE coldly as she approached the entirety of the Purple Alliance.

"Hey. Why is OE back here? Wait..." she said, squinting at Belgium, "you didn't." I told you what would happen if you snitched. She thought at him.

Belgium raised his chin, glaring defiantly back at her. He was done being threatened. He was done being–

Pain erupted in his body as FE scowled at him. He saw flames rushing up his arms and legs as he shrieked. BE tried to douse him in water, but the fire was burning inside of him too.

The Ottoman Empire ran over to him as the others tried to fight FE. "No, no! This is all my fault! Please don't die!" He cried.

Belgium wasn't listening. He was still screaming from the intense pain as he was burned from the inside out.

His skin started to peel off, revealing charred flesh underneath. Soon, he couldn't feel anything, which was even scarier.

Belgium tried to focus on OE, tried to stay awake, but a stronger part of him just wanted it to be over. Everyone only wanted him for his mind reading, because everyone was lying. Wouldn't it be better if he didn't have to deal with it anymore? If he didn't have to... think.

Then he was looking into the Mongol Empire's eyes, and realised he had gotten what he wished.

The Swedish Empire stood behind OE, watching as the life faded away from Belgium's eyes. Come on... He thought, willing his friend to fight back against death and come back.

But after a few long moments, SWE knew Belgium would stay dead. Perhaps he didn't want to fight the Mongol Empire. Maybe he wasn't able to. SWE didn't know.

He turned his attention to the battle, where FE had stood her ground for a while. She did a few attacks against the Dutch Empire's force fields, sent plumes of fire after SE and deflected a stray sword with her own.

But as SWE watched, BE rushed forward as FE was distracted by lightning, and sent his hooked hand into her eye.

She closed it in time, but it left a large gash across her face that definitely had to hurt. Oh well...

She deserved it.

"You will regret this!" FE snarled.

"Leave, and never come back! You lied to us, and killed one of our friends! You don't have the right to live, but I'm feeling generous. If we see you back here again, your eye will be the least of your problems." BE spat back.

FE glanced around, seemed to realise she was outnumbered, and fled.

She had done it. The Mongol Empire stared down at the poor soul who had died that day. They had finally managed to guide someone to the afterlife. At least this one didn't seem as excited to go back.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that pain." He told Belgium.

"Wh-who are you?" The smaller country asked.

"I am known by many names. You can call me Mongol Empire."

"Am I dead?"

"Unfortunately, yes. Don't worry, you can still see your loved ones, even if they can't see you. You'll be a ghost."


(881 Words)

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