Chapter Twenty-Nine

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The Holy Roman Empire climbed out of the wreckage, wincing in pain. His whole body was now covered in bruises and burns, but at least he was alive. Fires glittered among the smashed marble, casting a red glow over the destroyed palace.

We should check for survivors. One part of him said.

No! We should find who did this and make them PAY! The other part argued.

He ended up doing a bit of both, searching the rubble for whoever he could find, whether it was an enemy, or an ally.

"Owwww that hurt... Hello? Anyone there who can possibly lift this beam off of my leg?" A voice called. That was the Russian Empire.

"Holy shit, RE, did you get your leg injured, again?!" HRE asked, shifting some rubble aside to find the source of the voice.

"Yep. Same leg." RE said, his voice tight with pain. HRE finally found where he was, and lifted a huge piece of rock to uncover most of him.

"Jeez. By the time this war is over, you won't have any of your leg left!" HRE said as he saw the bloody mess under the pillar. He heaved the column of rock off of the white, gold and black countryhuman, who grimaced at the pain.

HRE helped RE up, letting him lean on him for support. One part of him was disappointed, as it would be harder to fight while helping a liability. The other part was just glad he was okay.

"Do you think anyone else made it?" RE asked, surveying the area.

"I hope so, as I'm sure our enemies are close by."

The Swedish Empire squeezed his eye shut as the marble walls closed in. The fiery inferno licked his body, the heat quite different from his cool powers. He instinctively created a thin sheet of ice that lined his skin, but it melted under the intense temperatures.

As suddenly as it had started, the fire disappeared, but that still left the problem with the collapsing castle. He waited for the shattering pain of the rocks coming down at him, but it didn't come.

Reluctantly, he opened his eye and saw the Dutch Empire holding a force field up around most of the group, clearly straining at the pressure. Beads of sweat trailed down his head, and his hands trembled.

SWE tried to help him by creating a shield of ice that covered half of DE's shield. It may not be as reliable as the force field, but DE looked very relieved, and cast a thankful glance at SWE.

"Is everyone alright?" The Spanish Empire croaked, coughing at the dust that floated up from the small bits of debris that made it in.

"I think so. But I don't see RE, HRE, Prussia or REC. Do you think they're..." The Portuguese Empire trailed off, looking disturbed.

"No, they're probably buried under the rocks though. Bulgaria, why don't you try teleporting to the surface and seeing if anyone is up there. If the Roman Empire is there, come back and don't fight him without us." Serbia ordered. "The rest of us should try digging through this rock to see if we can find the others. They can't be too far from us." Bulgaria obliged, while the others started chipping away at the rubble on the other side of the room.

"Who exploded all of us?!" AE asked.

BE sighed. "It was probably the French Empire. I don't think ROE knows how to use explosives, and she can do it with just a thought. They're probably working together, actually." He said.

"That hot-headed idiot blew up my castle!" SE growled, visibly angry.

"I'm sure we'll get to fight her soon, friend." BE reassured him.

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