Chapter 11

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--- Scotty's POV---

It was odd, just sitting here calmly whilst Ezra's fingers were rubbing through my fur. All I could hear was his steady breathing, the gentle bubbling of the stew on the stove and my tail flicking against his trousers.

Over the past few hours, we'd been establishing and strengthening our mental bond, where Ezra was helping me getting used to contacting him and having a voice that wasn't my own in my head.

My ear flicked as I heard birds chirping outside, fluttering on the rooftop. Whilst my human side had no interest in the critters, the cat was very much interested, using its ears to keep track of them at all times.

Why the cat felt the insistent need to chitter as it eyed the birds beyond our reach, was beyond me. Yet I couldn't stop, crouching into a stalking position when one of the birds appeared on the window sill.

Ezra chuckled when my body instinctively jolted forwards when the birds flew past the window, as if tempted to catch them.

"Careful Scotty. Instincts are a powerful thing that you can't just ignore. It'll take a while before you're used to them but in the meantime, they tend to take you for a wild ride if you let them lead the way."

I mewled in response, as it wasn't too hard to imagine what he meant. After all, I had been the victim of wolves losing control over their instincts.

Still bore the marks of them as well.

As if remembering that now, Ezra cringed before scratching at the side of his nose. "Yeah, probably not the best thing to mention while you're still adapting..."

A snort escaped me as if agreeing to that statement but there was no taking it back. What happened, happened and nobody could change that.

The fact remained that I was now stuck in this body for an undetermined amount of time. Who knew if I'd ever be capable of returning to my normal shape.

After all, the memory of my body dissipating into thin air was clear in my head. Then again, there must be some way to return to my human form, as I had been changed into a cat in the first place.

The biggest question was, would I trust anyone that claimed they could help me? I didn't even know if I trusted Ezra to begin with.

Ezra nodded understandingly, fingers brushing gently through my fur. "With all the things you've been put through in such a short amount of time, I would've been shocked if you would've trusted anyone."

I huffed at that. The mere fact that the first people I encountered in this new world, had also tried to kill me, didn't really help with those trust issues.

Not to mention that I was brought to this world just for the sake of becoming a sacrifice in some fucked up ritual.

Azazel probably would know how to change me back. If there was a way to do so. But the mere thought of reaching out to the monster who murdered me in cold blood.

Just remembering that bastard had my fur stand on end, a low displeased yowl rippling through my chest. The sound was quick to draw Ezra's attention, who sighed and smiled understandingly.

"You certainly don't have the best introduction into our world. Not to mention that Azazel is still roaming around free to do what he wishes." Ezra rubbed his fingers over his face, shaking his head.

From the little bits and pieces of conversation I had overheard, Azazel was a well known entity among the supernatural communities. A spiteful, vengeful demon who had been rumored to have been sealed away for some time.

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