Chapter 10

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---Scotty's POV---

I had been warily tiptoeing around the house, hissing whenever someone came too close or entered the room. After the intervention a few days ago, the pack had been coming and going, more curious now that they knew I wasn't just a cat.

Even so, I was more wary than ever, especially when their doctor, Max ,checked the mark on my chest from time to time, much to my chagrin. Each time they had to catch me, I'd hiss and spit, clawing at their hands until they either relented or Ezra managed to scruff me.

And after every encounter, Ezra was left with a multitude of shallow scratches over his arms and hands. Both the cat and I couldn't, wouldn't trust them.

Seeing how I ended up in this situation because of a single magically inclined person, stuck in a shape that wasn't mine and in a world I was unfamiliar with, I wasn't going to just strut up and be happy go lucky.

After everything that happened with Azazel, I wasn't all that eager to interact with anyone who knew of that... that monster.

Currently I was seated on top of the kitchen cupboards, tail thumping against the solid wood. Ezra was all too aware of my presence but chose to ignore it. Probably because I had already hissed several times at him, and when he had reached his hand out, I had swatted at it in warning.

My eyes followed his every move with distrust, paws secured firmly underneath my body in case I needed to bolt.

It had been foolish of me to let my guard down. So far almost everyone here had been after my blood in one way or another.

First it was Azazel, whom had killed my former self and apparently fused me together with the dying cat. And then it was the wolves who had shown in an explosive burst of aggression that they too couldn't be trusted.

My tongue flicked over my nose several times, moistening the tissues and enhancing the scents that swirled up towards me.

Ezra seemed busy cooking, opening the spice rack and checking the glass vials for whatever he was looking for. So far he had been the only one who hadn't attempted to harm me.

But just because he hadn't done so yet, didn't mean he wasn't willing to cause harm.

A solid thump of my tail drew Ezra's attention, giving me a slight sideways glance before he sighed when a low growl rumbled through my chest.

The fur on my neck and shoulders bristled as I silently bared my teeth at him, unintentionally calming down a bit when Ezra blinked slowly in my direction.

My tail curled around my paws, nails slightly extending to dig in the wood before I averted my gaze. I didn't know what to think. Ezra so far, had been nothing but kind, and he didn't deserve being clawed at.

And yet, the feline instincts within me were almost overpoweringly strong, urging me to distrust anyone at the moment.

These contradicting emotions were exhausting to say the least, leaving me hissing and grumpy.

My haunches bristled when there was a slight ticklish sensation in my mind, almost as if someone had gently pet over my head.

Whiskers twitching, I looked around, eyes landing on Ezra as he smiled gently and chuckled. When he reached up to pet me, my paw instantly tapped against his hand, surprisingly without claws.

Ezra laughed, shaking his head as he curled his fingers under my chin, scratching slightly until instinctively, I was nudging against his fingers.

"No matter how much you want to act like a tough guy, you're just a sweet little thing at heart, Scottie." He murmured, scratching behind my ear until I nearly flopped off the cupboard and had to balance myself.

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