Chapter 9

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---Scotty's POV---

I was more than displeased and was sure to let everyone know. Jeremy had already given up on trying to get me out from underneath the couch and Ezra had made the mistake of reaching in, probably wanting to drag me out.

Now he was sporting a few clawmarks on his hand, hissing in pain as he licked the wound while eying me worriedly. I didn't give a damn about his so called worry for me; why did they have a drawing from Azazel's sign here?

My fur bristled as I hissed, crawling away as far as I could, ears flattened and eyes flickering around, trying to find a way to escape. My chest burned, as if mocking me, remembering me of what had happened.

Brother... I wish you were here...

Fingers slowly reached underneath the couch, making me yowl as I batted at the hand, raking my claws over flesh before realizing my mistake. Digging my paws in the soft carpet underneath, I made an attempt to bolt out from the couch but was scruffed in an instant and held against a chest.

I squirmed and yowled, spitting and clawing at the man that held me, no doubt hurting him as my claws dug in his skin. He only hissed but never retaliated, holding me gently against his chest while sitting down.

Soon enough his fingers sifted through my scruff, pinching gently until my feline body just stopped functioning and stilled in his hold. I just hung from his clenched hand, not feeling any pain even though my entire weight was suspended from my scruff.

Ezra's eyes shone brightly as he looked in my eyes while I licked my lips and meowed warningly. No matter how gently he acted with me or how good the bond between Jeremy and him was, I wasn't going to trust them as easily as I did before.

Azazel had taught me a valuable lesson in that perspective.

Hell, I hadn't known the man before he abducted me from the graveyard, snatching me up in the middle of the night simply to experiment on me. I didn't even know what his experiment was, only that it ended up with my human form disappearing as I was joined together in this feline form.

And now I were here, in a world I didn't know amongst people I shouldn't trust. What if they knew Azazel or worse, worked with him?

Ezra's fingers slowly sifted through my fur, cupping my ear as he tried his best to sooth me. But I let him know with continuous hisses and growls that I wouldn't let down.

I was confused. Angry. Scared.

I batted at his hands as he continued petting me, slowly managing to calm me down until I had no energy left to fight him. By then, the front door had opened multiple times, allowing several people to enter and observe my slight meltdown.

There were soft murmurs going on in the kitchen as the three men and two women passed along the cloth while eying me curiously. A tired hiss escaped me as I pushed away Ezra's hand, all the while feeling a pressure build inside my head.

"C'mon Scotty, let down those walls." Ezra murmured, catching my attention as I glanced up at him. I gave him a tired hiss, grumbling slightly as the wriggling sensation continued before I shoved against it.

Ezra's eyes widened before he grinned, the pressure returning even more until I curved my back with a deep hiss and glared at him. He chuckled but kept staring at me until I slowly felt him in my head, snooping around.

The rest of the group gathered as Ezra started picking at my past, my memories and how I got here. His fingers rubbed through my fur, petting and soothing me while he flinched in reaction to some memories.

By the time he had made it to where we were now, I was exhausted, head thrumming under a massive migraine. I let out a tired mewl, purring unconsciously as the pain was distracting me, preventing me from staying angry.

"Scotty was human before all this, it seems." Ezra spoke with a heavy tongue, sounding exhausted himself. "From what I could see, Azazel's human vessel managed to abduct Scotty and fused him in this feline form."

"So he's still in there? Scotty and the cat aren't one?" One of the wolves asked, giving me a poke to which I hissed tiredly, trying to slip out of Ezra's hold. He sighed as he grabbed me, choosing to set me down beside him.

The soft pillow underneath combined with the warmth of Ezra's body was proving to be enough to make me slowly nod off, barely conscious of their conversation. "I think so, though I doubt Scotty will be able to change any time soon."

He petted through my fur with a soft smile on his face, especially when I didn't bother fighting him. "At least I can read his mind and communicate like that. Good thing I haven't fed him any cat food."

 Yeah, happy about that too.

He chuckled before looking at the people gathered in the room. His expression soured as he spoke, "We need to find out what Azazel has been up to. Its obvious he picked Scotty specifically for this ritual, but why?"

Eyes flitting to the side, he looked at a young woman who was thoughtfully chewing on her lip. "We'll need the Coven's help on this. I know the witches don't meddle with our issues but since magic has clearly been involved, we can use all the help you can offer."

She looked up, green eyes sparking vividly when she glanced my way before sighing. "I can ask Eleanor if she's willing to hear you out. Even if magic has been used, dark magic isn't something to be messed with."

Stepping forward, she paused as I hissed before motioning to my chest. "May I touch the mark? I need to make sure that Azazel has no hold over you. Both for your safety and for the people around you." Her eyes flitted to little Jeremy, who was sitting quietly across from us, brown eyes wide and fearful.

I sighed but pushed myself on my feet, meowing warningly as she brushed her cool fingers over my chest. Her nails easily split through the fur to touch the mark, tracing the thin scar all around as she frowned.

"Its not least not to Azazel... I could swear I can sense an echo coming off if it." She murmured, nudging and prodding gently at the scars on my chest. Her hand hovered over my chest and I could swear it was generating a lot of heat.

Ezra frowned and looked down at where I was slowly falling asleep. "I did remember seeing a brother in his memories but... he went missing."

The woman snapped her head up before cursing under her breath. "I need to talk to Eleanor about this, but if what I think is true, we're going to need to be quick and stealthy about this, in order to capture the culprit."

Ezra frowned, pushing himself up on the couch. "You mean that one of the Coven could be involved with this? Carmen, please, " He interjected when the woman opened her mouth to reply. "We can't be held in the dark simply because the Coven likes its secrecy." 

Carmen pursed her lips before pressing them tightly together, fingers tapping against the couch. "I wish I could speak freely but orders are orders. I'll ask Eleanor to contact you as soon as possible Ezra."

She turned around, skirt swirling around her legs as she walked with purpose. I blinked tiredly and flopped to the side, stretching with a faint meow. Ezra sighed deeply, sinking back in the seat before scratching at my ears.

"Seems like the witches are keeping some secrets." Ezra murmured. Max, the pack doctor, scoffed and shook his head whole crossing his arms in front of his chest. "They always were a secretive bunch, if not simply for their amusement."

I didn't hear much more of their conversation as I slowly fell asleep. I did wonder what they meant, and why the which was so sure that my scars "echoed". What did the witches know and kept a secret from the pack?

A.N. It's a short one but I'm having trouble finding the inspiration for this story. Maybe later on I'll know where to take this story but at the moment I feel a bit lost.

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