Chapter 1

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Being cold and snow brushing against my face were the first few things that woke me up from my light sleep. Blinking my eyes against the tiredness of countless nights twisting and turning, I realized I had fallen asleep on Devon's grave, again.

I looked up at the sky, the deep black contrasting sharply with the freckles of white twirling down in a gentle dance. The full moon peeked behind the clouds, dipping the world below in shards of silver and deep blue.

For a few seconds, I thought I woke up because snow was accumulating on my lap, slowly soaking my clothes little by little. My feet and the top of the blanket were already a bright white due to the thin covering of snow.

My fingers curled around the edge of the blanket before I whipped it up with a brisk move, jolting the snow off and through the air before I reached a hand up and ruffled through my hair. My fingers were numb to the cool touch of ice lingering on the pitch-black hairs as I slicked them back and out of my face.

While I was cleaning myself up a bit, I couldn't help but feel as if someone was watching me, so I let my eyes wander around. A quick glance at my watch told me it was just past midnight, so no-one should be around.

Like I suspected, the graveyard was empty, beside the occasional cat rushing for cover and the thick fog curling between the headstones. I could barely see Devon's 'neighbors', let alone the pathway towards the entrance.

I glanced down towards Devon's picture, lips twitching in an attempt to smile; no doubt he'd use the opportunity to scare the crap out of me if he had been here. My fingers reached out for the candle, gently grazing against the warm glass and hoping it wouldn't crack like last time.

The silence pressed against my ears before the wind gently blew against my face, making me close my eyes as I tilted my head back to simply feel. As the wind turned away, I slowly opened my eyes before gasping and letting out a surprised squeak.

I jerked back, startled and my heart thumping wildly in my chest as I stared at the man leaning against a decorated angle, only a few feet between his and Devon's grave separating us. The light of the candle flickered, throwing a shaky light on the man's features as he slowly tilted his head to the side and slightly backwards, looking down at me.

His powerful and muscular frame was clad tight-fitting pants and a jacket with fur on the inside, the collar opened to reveal his throat. The motion of his head allowed the light to hit his face, flashing his rather handsome features, the small beard grazing his chin and the smoke hanging dangerously from his lips.

I shuffled my weight a bit under his piercing gaze, those blue eyes never wavering away as he observed me closely. His features looked troubled, a hint of sadness underneath the raw aura of power pulsing from his form. I licked my suddenly dry lips, trying to ignore the way my heart was thrumming in my chest, the sense of foreboding growing stronger and stronger with each passing second.

If Devon was with me, he'd suggest we get the hell out of here. In fact, I could hear him whisper exactly that in my memories, when we were up to no good and were almost caught.

A lopsided smirk suddenly slipped on the stranger's face, changing his features drastically as he inhaled deeply, closing his eyes for a second and releasing me from his hold. "Yes, you'll do just fine."

"Fuck this!"

Without even knowing why I was running or why I felt so bloody scared, I flung the blanket off of me and bolted as soon as the man took one step towards me. I didn't know what the hell he was talking about but I sure as heck wasn't going to hang around to see what would happen.

My feet were yanked out from under me after two measly steps, the air clogged in my throat in a surprised gasp as the ground quickly closed in on my face. Snow and frozen soil smashed against my jaw in a painful greeting, dazing me momentarily as my hands tried to break my fall.

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