Chapter 1: goodbye

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"Are you sure you have to go?" My best friend Tessa ask with a pout. "Yes it'll be good for me and my mental health and besides it will only be for a few weeks." I say loading my suit cases into my car. "you do understand your going to the middle of no where for camping." She says crossing her arms. "I need to get away from all this stuff and just be by myself and I won't be totally alone I have all my books with me." I say pointing to the box full of books.
"Ah yes because if you get attacked books will save you." She says rolling her eyes. "You know why I have to do this." I say sighing. "I know, what happened to you last year was horrible but I don't think being alone is the best way to do things." She says looking down at her feet. "Look I barely even trust you anymore and your the only person I talk to, don't take this the wrong way but I just can't be around people right now this is gonna help me heal and when I come back I'll be back to normal hopefully." I say with a half heated smile trying to cheer her up.
"Your right im sorry it's just I'm gonna miss my roommate who else is supposed to cook for me." She says hugging me. "I pre made meals for you for while I'm gone ok so you won't starve I promise." I say hugging her back. I hear her start to sniffle. "You promised you wouldn't cry." I say pulling away. "I know but I can't help it." She says rubbing her eyes. "Goodbye Tessa I'll be back in a fe weeks." I say giving her one last hug. "Goodbye Jade try not to get mauled by a bear ok." She says as I get into my car. "I'll try not to." I say before I shut the door.
As I drive off we wave goodbye one last time and I see her crying again. I feel partially bad for leaving but I need to do this. The drive is long but I arrive to the place before nightfall. Tessa was right it is in the middle of nowhere. I get out and set up my tent I put my inflatable mattress in there and set up everything else. I'm in the middle of a desert type place and there's a small pond a few miles over that would be nice for fishing and swimming. It was perfect.
As night falls I pull out my dinner and begin to eat it's a ham sandwich and some chips. I pull a water out along with my medicine for depression and anxiety and take them. After I eat I get dressed and lay in bed. As I slowly start to drift off to sleep I can't help but think about how nice this was going to be.

Authors note
Hi I know this was very short but next chapter will be much longer and it will get into everyone's appearance and all that good stuff, and this will most likely be the only authors note goodbyeeee.

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