Chapter 4: A new life

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"What do you mean new home? Who even are you?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows. "You are coming to my castle to live with me as my mate and I am Harlow Augustus and I am king of sectors 1 through 5 on this planet and am one of the most powerful rulers here." He says looking me in my eyes. "I am not you mate, I don't belong here I want to go home to earth." I say looking away and putting my knees up to my chest. "You are going home with me, you will never return to earth your rightful place is here." He says as I look away out my window.
"I am not one of you I don't belong here." I state and it just goes quiet. I look around and notice that there are no more buildings just trees. The trees are similar to those on earth but they are all reds, purples, yellows and oranges. I can feel his eyes on me and I don't even spare him a glance. Ever since I sat down in this car he's been watching me.
        How am I supposed to escape if he's constantly watching me. When we get to this place wherever it is I'll just book it into the forest and run until I find a good hiding place. After that I don't know what I'll do but it sounds better than whatever this is. "What are you thinking about." Harlow asks his voice smooth but also rough.
      I stay silent I don't want to give home the satisfaction of hearing my voice. "Why won't you speak to me or even look at me I know you want to do just give in." He says this time with arrogance in his tone. "I don't have to talk or even look at you, I owe you NOTHING." I say crossing my arms and enunciating the last part.  "But you are my mate and you will come to see that." He says as the car comes to a stop. "I will never be your mate." I say with spite in my tone as he opens the car door.
        Nows my chance while he's not looking. I quickly open up my side and run out of the car. I don't even look back as I run into the forest. Animals that I have never heard are cawing and growling as I run deport into the trees. The ground is wet and muddy and I try to avoid muddy areas so feet prints don't show. It smells of rain and there is moss everywhere.
        If this wasn't the home of my kidnappers I'd say it's really nice. I start to become exhausted as my adrenaline runs out. I look behind me and don't see anybody so I decide to pause and catch my breath. I brace myself onto my knees as I huff and breathe heavily. I stand up straight and go to run but something tackles me. We roll around in the mud until we're finally still and that's when I see it. A giant bear like creature with horns is holding me down.
       It snarls in my face I shut my eyes trying to make it go away. When I hear a sharp yelp. I open my eyes and blood starts to trickle down my face. An arrow has hit the creatures neck and froze it in place. I use all my strength to push it off of me. I try to stand but it must have scratched my leg. So I crawl. I hear shoes hitting the floor but I keep moving. I'm suddenly picked up by my waist and carried bridal style.
      I look up and it's Harlow. "Let me go!" I yell kicking my feet and hitting his chest. It doesn't seem to affect him as he just smirks and rolls his eyes. "You know even covered in mud and blood you still are cute." He says and it causes a blush to cover my face. I just look away from him as he continues to carry me like I only weigh 1 pound instead of 193. I look back up at him and he's still looking at me. I notice something different about his eyes. They look all black from far away but up close you can see they are actually purple.
      I smack myself mentally for noticing such a corny thing but then I look away from him. I'm front of us is a tall castle that looks like it's in a fantasy. It is tall and brown with vines up the sides of it. Along with flowers growing everywhere. I can see parts of the huge garden in the back. There must be at least 20 different rooms in here.
      "What do you think?" He says as we walk closer. It's beautiful, I think to myself but I wasn't going to let hike know that. "It's ok I guess." I say shrugging. He just chuckles lowly. It's surprisingly warm and inviting instead of what I thought it would sound like. He catches me staring and I quickly look away.
      As the doors open and we walk in the first thing that draws my attention is all the paintings and plants in the castle. It was like me myself decorated this place. "Can you please put me down." I say as I sigh. "You hurt your leg you can't walk." He stated carrying me to the stairs. "Yes I can I'm just fine thank you." I say crossing my arms. "Fine but if you fall than I get to keep you in bed rest under my supervision." He says putting me down in front of the stairs.
      When he was carrying me the stairs didn't seem like much but now they look like they have a thousand steps. Just standing up straight was a struggle. I gripped onto the stairs handles and slowly took my first step. I flinched in pain as I took my second step. I took a few more agonizing steps and I was doing pretty good. I look up and I still have 3/4 of the way to go.
      With each step a sharp pain shoots through my leg. I don't even know how it cut me that bad.  I'm about half way now and my confidence has boosted a bit. I take this step and as soon as I step down that pain increased and I loose my balance. I can feel myself falling backwards so I close my eyes bracing for the pain.
     I feel someone grab my arm and I'm pulled into a chest. I open my eyes and look up. I'm met with those daring eyes and stupid smirk. I roll my eyes and push him off. He quickly grabs me and picks me up bridal style. "Not so fast a deals a deal." He says as he continues up the stairs. I keep my gaze forward and a million questions rush through my head. But the most prominent one is why me.
I'm pulled out of my thoughts when he lightly kicks open huge wooden doors. White marble floors and a huge bed with green silk sheets and blankets with a bunch of pillows fill my view. There's a huge vanity and walk in closet. He carry's me to the bed and gently placed me down. I scoot all the way back against the bed frame and I look down. I feel the weight in the bed shift as he gets in the bed.
Memories of what happened last year flood my mind. Fear crawls up my body as I think of what he might do to me. "Will you please look at me?" He asks. And I just stay quiet and keep looking down. "Hey look I know your upset but it had to be done." He says as he gently lifts my chin up. I can't help the tears that start to fall from my eyes. H e gently brushes a lips strand of hair behind my ear.
"Even when you set you are so beautiful my mate." He says gently caressing my cheek. I take his hand off of my face. "How could I be your mate if you don't even know my name?" I ask as more tears fall from my eyes. "Just answer me this, why me?" I ask and confusion fills his eyes. "Because you match the prophecy everything about you and I felt it when I saw you." He said scooting closer.
"Felt what?" I ask my eyebrows furrowing. "That fire that burned within a spark." He says with a smile. "I know what I am doing hurts you but I must be selfish, but I have traveled the universe for you." He says caressing my cheek. "Again you don't even know me. " I say scoffing. "There is plenty of time for that my love." He says a smile plastered on his face. "Get some sleep." He states as he gets off the bed. "Jade." I say looking towards him.
"What?" He asks reaching for the doorknob. "My name is Jade, Jade Jefferson." I say as I turn away. "Thank you Jade." He says and I hear the door open and then close. I lay down and cover myself in the warmth of the blankets it was quite cold here. I try to sleep think about how I could escape this new life.

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