you'll be safe here

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*couple days later* *y/n pov*
"So what does this even have to do with me?" I said "Well you are its target." will said."Great nice to know that." I said sarcastically "you'll be safe here" said max. "Well what if im not?" "You'll be fine" Steve said "Well if I die, I'm haunting you forever." I said. "Well your not gonna be haunting at all if you don't die." Steve said. "What if I do die?" "Then your dead"  Steve said "well I don't wanna die" I said. "So were gonna make sure you don't die" Steve said. "Jesus Christ stop the bickering" Robin said. "Yeah please stop" Nancy said while having two fingers on the side of her head."I need a break" I said walking into the bathroom.

*Normal pov*
"honestly shes right." Robin said. "What if she does die, what do we do?" Robin said. "then she dies" Mike said. "We can't just let her die like this?" Nancy said. "Yeah this is her first time doing this time of stuff." Max said. "Yeah I have powers and all but I feel like its hard for her more then me." El said"We should take her Shopping!" Max said "Shopping?" El said "shopping is something you can't be doing with your powers!" Mike said
"Oh come on she can have a little fun" max said while pulling her arm. "I am in." y/n says as she opens the door.

Y/n pov
As I closed the door I starting to lean against the door.Then I started thinking "what if I am dead by tomorrow morning,I didn't even get to say bye, im only 13 im too young to die." As I hear the party talking they were talking about going shopping. As I open the door I say "I am in." I say as I open the door.
max pulls my arm and says "hurry guys!"as Nancy grabs the keys and says "see ya." Steve rolls his eyes.We all ran into the car.Me and max were whispering to each other saying "Nancy and robin totally have a thing together." I said "Yeah totally!" Max said. As we saw Robin put her hand on Nancy thigh we both giggled "why are you two laughing?" Nancy said as we stop giggling "nothing" we both said as we toke a breath.Nancy looked down and looked at robins hand on her thigh and smiles. Me and max decided to say "OoOooo" "We know you two have thing going on too." Nancy calls out. We both stay quiet and look away from each other "can you drop me off  at the cabin" El says "ok" we arrived at the cabin and go to starcourt.We go in and start to run into the candy store.We both  started to take candy out of the jars and putting them into the bags Robin and Nancy  were holding hands we just held out are hands to pay for the stuff and Nancy rolled her eyes and just took out 50 bucks and we just ran out the store and they both said "aww young love" we both turned around and put up the middle finger and said"go fuck each other of something!" I said.   


They both widen open there eyes not expecting me to say that,me and max ran off and max said "did not expect you to say that." We both said *couple hours later*

Nancy and robins pov. "what are they still doing" Robin said *they walk in* "were ready to go" max said *in the car* "so what did you guys do" Robin ask "probably make out" Nancy whispers "NANCY I HEARD THAT"max says "well you probably were"  says." "We weren't" y/n said as she had her two fingers on her head.

Y/n pov. "Just drop me off at my house" "ok"*at my house* "Bye guys!" They all wave, I take the key under the mat and sat down and the table. "Hey hun your home early." "Hey dad" "her I got pizza!" "Yay!" *couple mins later* "well I'm gonna go up stairs" "okay hun" *goes up stairs and closes the door* starts to lean against the door and cry. "Why does loving a girl have to be so hard?" "It cant be easy?" I said as I sobbed. As I went on to the bed I started to read "I love you,stupid" by Harry mazer. "But what if I don't wanna date a guy, I like girls!" I throw the book and just stare at the wall until I fell asleep. At 3am I heard "y/n do you copy this is max,over" I walked all the way over and said "I told you not to call me this late!" I said as picked up the book I threw earlier."I know sorry but tomorrow exactly 10am"  "ok but you call be again i swear to fucking god!" "Yeah yeah yeah sorry just remember is important!"  "Ok blah blah blah".....

A/n:sorry this is short but if you may go follow my tiktok this is my tiktok:elmax_stangerthings_vids  bye!

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