~Chapter 22~

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♡Eun-hye pov♡

Time freezes as I turn around and I feel as if cold ice gets poured over my head as my heart painfully rips out of it's place in my body.


No this...this isn't real...

It can't be...

"E-Eun-hye..." I tear up at the familiar soft voice as my heart start beating at a new speed I almost forgot it could beat in. My name comes out as a whisper in disbelief as he stares at me with his dark doe eyes. His lips slightly parted as he mumbles something that can't be heard as his eyes flicker with different emotions all in one. I stay in the same frozen position not sure what to do or what is even happening.

We both just stand there a few feet separating us in reality but it feels like a glass wall that the universe gave us is edged into the ground between us. My heart starts beating even faster the more I stare at him and I feel a familiar longing and ache inside my heart with my fingers tingling to just reach out.

During the silent stare down I take the opportunity to look at him. He looks more mature than the last time I've seen him. He looks like he gained more muscle and somehow looks even taller than before yet the same innocence in his face lingers into the memories I have of him. His dark brown hair now longer sculpting his face beautifully and new piercings that just looks perfect on him making my mind blurry of thoughts. Somehow this man standing before my eyes got even more handsome which I never thought could happen since he already looked like the most handsome person in the world for me.

Like a glass vase being shattered I tore myself out of my thoughts when my eyes catch his feet moving forward.


Oh no

Without a second thought I did the first thing that comes to mind after all my senses return to me...

I run.

My feet move the fastest they ever did as I run through the dimly lit and empty streets. The only sound that can be heard is the sound of my uneven breaths, feet thumping on the concrete and my heart beating faster by second. My eyes blown wide in panic as I run but I don't notice the heavy footsteps approaching much faster then I am. I turn in a corner only to be stopped by a sudden force.

My whole body jolts back as a hard solid grip wraps around my waist spinning me, my head crashes into a hard and warm chest automatically stopping me, pushed against a cold brick wall. It feels like all the air left my lungs as I desperately gasp for air when I don't feel the arms wrapped around me releasing me.

I know this touch. I would have to be stupid to not know

..no no no...

"Let go, let me go please" I plead panicking but my heart starts racing faster as the arms around me tighten.

"R-Relax please...I...Eun-hye please calm down I promise I-" His words are cut off when I start wiggling in his arms which feels much harder as it did years ago.

Stop Eun-hye!

"Jung-" My words get caught in my throat as the grip around me suddenly switches to warm hands cupping my face. I feel the small gasp escape me as I stare wide eyed at the glistening eyes in front of me. I feel inable to move or talk when my heart turns and stings with being torn slowly apart with hurt and guilt as tears drip down his eyes and a smile spreads wildly on his face as he stared into my eyes.

"Eun-hye..." He whispers this time in a softer realisation that it is me and I can already see the glint of happiness in his eyes but it quickly turns into a panicked expression as he stares at me.

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