~Chapter 18~

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Type type type


erase erase erase

I sit sighing in front of my computer as I keep erasing words I type in. So far it's half a page done but the focus to take it further is lacking. My mind hasn't been the best at focusing recently especially since it's been 15 days since meeting Taehyung, Jin and the others at the café. Again more than 2 weeks since I've seen them, well the people who don't work at the café, in person but also where I have somehow been the most social on my phone that I've ever been before. Not even as a teenager was I this much on my phone busy talking to multiple people. It feels like I'm being transported back into being a teenager giggling whenever my friends send me funny messages or memes which is actually mostly from Taehyung and Hoseok and only once from Yoongi who surprising ended up texting me randomly one night while I was busy trying to think of a storyline for a new book. Thanks to Yoongi though I have been considering the idea of a new tattoo alot more recently and he told me that I can come in anyday.

The time passed surprisingly fast and to thankfully my concerns were wrong with anything going wrong since everyone has been going to well up until now. Even my small injuries have fully healed during this time so that's another bonus part on the happy scale. I mean I still have a weird feeling in my body that tells me I should realise something or something is coming but I have chosen to ignore it for my own sake. I can't let this feeling affect my friendships since they won't deserve it.

My friendship with the 6 men have grown alot and I can say that I get what Aera meant with I am happier, well kinda get since it still feels like she still had an underlined meaning to it but I still get it slightly because I finally found friends who just weirdly click with my personality so well almost like Aera.

Even Aera has begun teasing me for this but I don't miss the way she side eyes me sometimes with something on her mind. It gets on my nerves slightly how I can't figure out whst she means by it all. I am seriously starting to get more and more curious about what is going on in her mind about this because is starting to get more and more suspicious.

Oh well who am I to judge when right now I am not sharing my thoughts and feelings with her

I sigh once again as I ruffle the birds nest of hair on top of my head. Honestly it feels like I am just going through my weekly writers block at this point from all my thoughts being too focused away on one specific thing.

6 men...

Wait it doesn't sound so good when I say it like that....6 friends yeah that sounds better

I'm not complaining though since somehow in just these few days I surely can say I have no doubts that they are amazing people. I haven't been out with one of then since our last meet up expect for me visiting the café regularly but I also like taking my laptop there since it's really comfortable but I know for a fact I can't focus on my writing as well with my giddiness about talking to them, which explains why I am currently where I am at the moment.

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