~Chapter 44~

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"Wow....." My smile gets wider as Aera steps out of the room with her hands on her hips as she shows off the 6th and final outfit she tried on since earlier this morning.

After spending at most an hour to get ready and helping chosing each other's outfits since we realised we are both completely lost on what to wear since the small party- kinda small gathering of friends technically according to Hyunjin- takes place in the late afternoon and the weather is inbetween cold and warm with the clouds covering the sky almost like it is a clear sign of rain later in the day.

Since it's clear we all should dress casual and comfortable with whatever we want me and Aera decided to just raid each other's closets for the fun of it and also I saw her getting slightly stressed as the time got nearer and wanted something distracting and what other thing could be the best distraction then letting Aera have all the dress up fun we can have?

Totally worth it though

Her hair is styled hanging over her shoulders with two silver clips in her hair and a white sweater with cute cutout details tucked into a high waisted pleated pink skirt. Her make-up makes her features look softer and brighter and the silver earings just pull the look together even more. "Wow yourself Eunie! You look amazing! I can say that I am incredibly proud to be your co-decider of your outfit even though the main reason of it looking so amazing is because of my beautiful best friend"

She pats her chest making a heart with her fingers and I roll my eyes smiling wider at the compliment. Turning my head I glance at myself in the mirror loving the way the soft curls I made with my hair looked with the soft toned make-up and small earings along with the soft pink coloured sweater tucked into a high waisted long pleated black skirt with a thin belt.

"I'll just admit we both look amazing even though I still think you look the best but that might just be because I'm extremely biased" I pull a face making her snort laughing before rolling her eyes playfully before pattimg down her skirt buzzing with energy even though it is late in the afternoon.

Or it might just be the nerves but I can slightly relate to that even if our reasons differ a bit and relate a lot

Though it's just a casual party or more like a get together with their friends we still had fun getting ready and I know for a fact that Aera put in a little more effort in her choice but after everything I've seen I can hardly say I'm surprised and I'm happy seeing her so happy even though it is a bit concerning and makes me stress a little about today but I just have to push it back a little bit to not ruin the day with my worries.

Once again I shall only interfere if any of them hurt Aera and then I would tear into them like wrapping paper

"So we have about just the right amount of time to finish up getting everything we need before going and- oh!" She cuts herself off and I smile shaking my head as she runs off out of my room before coming back with a bag in her hand biting down on her bottom lip.

"And I just need to make sure I don't forget his gifts from me and you or else I would just feel bad" She mumbles something inaudable under her breath before putting the bag down in the corner of the room and standing up straight looking back at me.

I raise my eyebrows as we hold a silent conversation with our eyes before she groans shaking her head.

"Okay yeah I know that I might look a little jittery and I keep double checking if I have the gift after contemplating if he would actually like it but I haven't felt so anxious about someone asking to talk to me in a while and I won't panic since nothing will change it anyway and...well yeah I just don't know what to expect at this point but I hope it's not something bad because we all know neither of us need that in our lives" She ends shrugging before moving towards me and throwing her arms around me in a tight hug.

Not your soulmate♡Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora