Under the Stars Someday

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"Well, I guess we have to work together on our project," Anya told Damian with a smile.

The two walked along the hallway towards the gate.

"I guess I have no choice," Damian said, although he really was happy with it. "When should we start?"

"Well, I will be going to the Planetarium with Papa and Mama on Thursday so I think Friday would be best." Anya suddenly stopped walking and thought hard with crossed arms.

Damian looked at her. "Something the matter?"

"Nothing. Anya just feels a little sad that we won't get the bonus points for passing early." Anya explained. "If I can just convince Papa and Mama to go tomorrow instead..."

"There is no need to push for the bonus points. What matters more is the quality of our output anyway." Damian said. "I'd rather lose the bonus point than submit a crappy output. So you better do well, you hear me?"

"I know, I know. You've told me countless times already." Anya said. "Geez, why do I have to be working with you of all people?" She sighed.

"You get to deal with what you've dealt with." Damian smirked. The two arrived at the gate where a school bus awaited Eden students by the bus stop.

"Alright, Anya will give her all!" Anya said. "Anya promises that, Sy-on boy."

The bus then horned to signal that it's going to leave in 2 minutes.

"It's time for you to go." Damian took out a bag of peanuts and discreetly gave it to Anya.

As expected, Anya's eyes sparkled as soon as she set her eyes on it. "What? This is for Anya?" Anya beamed at Damian. "Thank you, Sy-on boy!" She said.

Anya ran to the bus and took a seat next to the window. As soon as she was seated, Anya waved at Damian.

'Maybe I should ask Papa and Mama if we can go tomorrow instead.' Anya thought.


"Papa, can we have the Planetarium visit tomorrow?" Anya asked Loid.

Loid looked at his daughter. "We've scheduled it on Thursday, right? Why tomorrow?" He asked.

"Yes Papa. But the deadline for our output is Saturday morning so Anya thinks it's better to do it sooner." She explained.

"I see." Loid acknowledged.

'Hmm, I already took an important mission for tomorrow. It's impossible for me to go.' Loid thought. Anya heard this and turned to her mother hoping for a favorable reply.

"Mama can you come with me tomorrow?" asked Anya.

"Er, let's see..." Yor struggled to take out the words from her mouth. "I-I have a meeting tomorrow afternoon with my boss. It's a monthly meeting and he told us that he wants everyone to be there. I'm sorry, Anya, it seems I can't make it tomorrow." Yor said with a visibly troubled expression as she rejected her daughter's request.

"Oh... Okay..." Anya sadly replied. Anya felt disappointed. She wants to make a really good output so that Damian would like her and they would be friends more. But Anya thinks it is not possible for her to create something stellar in just one day. Anya's thoughts wandered, projecting Damian in it. 'I thought you promised, Shrimp. What's this? I should just've worked on my own.' Frustrated, she sighed.

Loid and Yor noticed Anya's silence and pondering. While they understand their daughter, both of their commitments just cannot be moved. The two looked at each other to try to seek support and try to comfort themselves. However, they both ended up taking a deep breath.

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