A Waltz to Remember (Part 2)

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(Author's note:
I highly recommend that you listen to the waltz music referred to in this story as you read from this point. Just search "When I Dream of You" by Werner Tauber in Youtube or Youtube Music and play it in the background as you continue. It'll greatly help your reading experience!)


<music start>

Rich symphonic tones began to envelope the theater as the orchestra began playing the music.

"Ready?" Damian asked.

"Yes!" Anya beamed.

The Cecile Hall students started to dance.

Anya and Damian listened to the singing of Calliope Abrin whose enchanting voice, along with the stage lights, caused them to slip into their own little world. The two danced around to the music.

("When I Dream of You" by Werner Tauber lyrics)

Oh when I dream of you
I'm asking myself
If dreams can ever come true.

When I dream of you
I feel so alive
Cause you give me wings to fly.

When I look into your eyes
I know my dream come true
Cause I see me holding you.

I'm lying in your arms
and you're touching me
There's no place I'd rather be.

I don't need to fear
'cause I am living my dream
Every time when you are near.

Forever in the day
I always will stay
Cause nobody loves me like you do.

The audience watched with bated breath as the Cecile Hall students swayed on stage, swinging their hands in the air, and rising and falling on their toes as they moved around with their partners.

They waltzed to a V-shape formation then to a W, then to a circle. The girls waltzed to the middle and posed, twirled, and waltzed back toward their partners on the sides.

They waltzed around in a circle, exposing to the crowd every dance pair, until Damian and Anya were again front and center.

Anya's gown lightly bounced and followed her sway as she moved around the stage. The floating frills in her hair added to her already sweet smile; the flecked glitters in her dress made her look dreamy and princess-like.

Damian looked polished and dashing in his tailcoat, flawlessly leading Anya and syncing their movements. Absorbed at the moment, he danced free of his worries; his heart fluttering by the second.

"Sy-on boy, I'm about to turn," Anya said excitedly.

"Ah," Damian replied. And so she did, a few counts after.

At the end of the twirl, Damian delicately caught her back with his right arm and her right hand with his left. She now faced him again.

"That was so good!" Anya exclaimed.

Damian smiled in admiration for his partner.

Mr. Henderson took his handkerchief and lightly wiped the tears that formed at the sides of his eyes.

'I can't believe it, they moved perfectly. Even Desmond and Forger made such a connection on stage.'

He took a fist to his chest.

'This is beyond elegant!'

Emile and Ewen couldn't help but glance at Damian who they saw were all smiles throughout.

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