Decisions on life

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I am younger, I can't see it but I know. My sisters are chatting with my mother at the dinner table. My mother looks happy, smiling. My sister's aren't at each others throats. I can’t be older the ten, maybe younger. Life wasn't bad yet.

"Come sit." My mom beckons me to the empty chair, her eyes glittering with something that makes me feel warm.

I hurry to the chair, shooting my siblings a quick glance as they giggle. I know I don't fit the scene but it doesn’t matter. They are dressed for tea, big hats, ruffled dresses. There are flowers on the table that they picked from mom's garden.

Looking down I can see the oil and grease on my old jeans. My tshirt sports a big colorful butterfly but the thing is worn and holey. I am certainly different than my sisters but it doesn’t make us dislike each other. We are to young for that.

"You girls want to talk about anything?" Mom asks in a lilting voice, her brow raised as she smirks knowingly.

"What is love?" I ask as my sisters both scrunch there noses.They had been talking about it allot in school recently and I didn't understand.

"Girls, love is one of the most important things you will ever find. It is comfort and understanding, it is strength and loyalty. Love can be everything you ever dreamed about. A family, a home." Our mother fluffs my hair with her hand. "You will find all kinds of love in this world. Family, friends, romance, you girls have your whole lives ahead of you to experience it. You must be smart though, love can be given to those who don't deserve it."

"How do you know?" Luci asks.

"It will be hard to tell sometimes, but people who love you know how to show you they care without ever saying the words. Actions speak loudest, never forget that." Mom sighs as she looks at each of us. "Love is something magical. You girls are here because Mom and Dad love each other, our family is a product of that love."

"I'm hungry." Luci announces, looking confused by our mothers words.

We all laugh.

They pour the tea as our mother unveils the snacks, cookies and crackers, tiny sandwiches. The perfect snack. I can't help the grin on my face as Dad sits down with us, just as dirty as I am.

Family. Love.


The sound makes me shoot up off the couch and fall directly on my ass, hissing at the impact. I am definitely feeling that accident earlier. My body aches but pounding at the door makes me forget all about it.

"Hex?" The familiar male voice shouts, it isn't Adrian, no this voice brings anger. Trigger. "You in there?"

He doesn't know. I let out a shaky breath and tuck my body against coffee table as I hear the doorknob rattle. I don't want to see him.

"Hex. If you are there Deviant is hurt, bad. You need to open up and let me in." His voice makes my body freeze and I can barely comprehend the words. Adrian can't be hurt.

Charming Hex :hellfireKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat