Tell me

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"I..I.." Adrian sputters before stopping entirely. His eyes fall on the bed refusing to meet mine.

A sigh escapes me before I slide to the edge of the bed, finding my clothes in a pile. "Adrian, it is a simple enough question. Nothing else matters until I know what it is you want from me, but first you have to know. Think about it."

I grab up my jeans and hoodie, quickly tossing them on, leaving Adrian to stare at me in confusion. As I slip my socks on and pocket my bra I stop to look at him. I can see that he doesn't get where this is going, I can see panic in him.

"Please think about it." I lean in and cup his cheek in my hand, running a thumb over his jaw. I have thought long and hard about this. "Think about all the things you told me to dissuade me from falling for you and think of why you want me to stay. These are the things that matter to me and these are the the only things I care about right now. Killing, danger, abandoning me. These are things we can talk through if you can figure out why you want me to stay. We are both broken things but we could also help each other heal."

He blinks his amber eyes and looks to be in awe for a moment. His hand finding my neck, fingers curling in the hair on my nape, pulling me closer to him. Our lips a breath apart, those amber eyes drilling into my soul with their burning intensity.

"Hex…" he mumbles softly and I feel his warm breath ghost over my skin. "I don't want to be without you. I can't do it…", His lips brush against mine, "You drive me crazy, you are all I can think of. I want to claim you, I want the world to know you are mine. I want to keep you safe but I also want you close by, and it doesn't make sense to me at all…".

I let my lips make the briefest contact with his and he lets out a soft moan in response. "How do you intend to do that then?"

"Let me take you out, show you off. Let me introduce you to the club." He doesn't go to move away but releases my neck to readjust himself.

I lean in that briefest bit and our lips connect, softly molding to one another. Lingering for a moment before probing him gently with my tongue. He opens up and allows me to take the lead, set the pace. He is almost purring against me as our bodies connect, his hands resting on my bottom giving the occasional squeeze.

I slip my arm around his neck running my fingers through his shaggy blonde hair, the other hand rests over his heart so that I can feel the speed it pumps in his chest. I slowly pull back and giving him small pecks as I take a moment to breath.

"Wow." He rests his forehead against mine, his hair in his eyes, and grins from ear to ear. "I liked that allot."

A blush goes across his face as it dawns on him what he said. I giggle before kissing him again, catching him off guard. I want to tell him I liked it too but I hold back. He still needs to learn if this is going to work.

"Drive me home, I need a shower." I lean back, untangling myself from his arms and watching his eyes following my every move. When he doesn't go to move I shrug and walk out of the room. Behind me I call out. "I can just walk."

I hear a loud thud and when I peek back into the bedroom I find him on the floor pulling his pants up. Not able to stop myself from laughing I return to the living room and take a seat on the sofa, putting my shoes on. Like a heard of rhinos he crashes into the room after me, still sliding his cut on and fighting with a boot as he tumbles to the ground.

"I will take you." Adrian smirks as he rights himself trying to play off his panic. "Wanna maybe get some breakfast on the way?"

"You know I love to eat." I grin back at him as I stand.

"How about we take my bike?" He throws an arm around my waist and pulls me into him, burying his nose in my hair. "I would love for you to ride with me."

"My car is here…" whining, as I think of my baby.

"We will come back for it later…" Teeth graze the shell of my ear and a shiver runs through me.

Two can play at this game. Leaning in I let out a soft moan before suggesting, "Bring clothes…".

He bolts back to his room where I hear some more crashing noises before he reappears with a small duffle under his arm. "Ready baby?"

"Mmmm" Nodding I follow him out as he locks up and leads me to the side of the house.


We stopped at some little taqueria and picked up a bag of breakfast tacos before heading to my place. The ride was nice, it had been sometime since I had been on a bike. Once at my place we ate and watched some tv before taking showers, separately, much to Adrian's disappointment.

I just am not ready for that level of intimacy with him. I can cuddle and we can maybe even have sex but I draw the line at, well not really but I got to keep this up for a bit longer. He deserves to squirm a bit after the shit he pulled.

He could have at least left a note. Plain and simple. Work is work though and he is an idiot. My idiot, I smile at the thought.

Currently I am curled up on my couch going through emails on my phone waiting for him to finish cleaning up. Yawning, I set my phone down and lay my head on the armrest. It's been a good morning.

"Hey babe?" I hear Adrian sounding nervous behind me. Turning I see him wrapped in nothing but a towel, water running over his toned, tattooed body. "I forgot to grab my clothes out of the saddlebags. Could you?"

I stand up off the sofa and shoot him a smirk, questioning him in a teasing  manner.  "Can I enjoy the view first? You do look nice wearing nothing but a towel."

Sauntering around the sofa to lean against the back, I watch him take in my bare legs with hungry eyes. I can see his rising excitement blossoming beneath the terry cloth as he steps closer trapping me in his arms against the sofa. Letting out a giggle I run my fingers over his sculpted chest, taking a moment to appreciate the view before flicking the ring in his nipple.

"Like what you see baby?" He leans in to me as he asks. "It's all yours. No one else will be touching me ever again."

Biting my lip, I know I am blushing brightly. I feel a lump in my throat but I ignore the feeling. My voice cracks as I mutter into his ear, "You certain about that?"

He nods. "I won't fuck this up. You are too important to me."

I want to believe him, I want to trust his words. Life has always been hard but he makes it easier, he makes me feel wanted and maybe even loved. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and pull him in for a kiss.

His arms snake around me as our lips connect, pulling me fully against his moist naked form. His lips start off gentle, pleading with me for more and when my teeth catch his bottom lip he hisses out a moan into my mouth. Taking the opportunity to slip in my tongue I feel his excitement throb as it is pressing against me.

He pulls back and gives me a crooked smile. "We could just forget clothes all together."

"We could just spend all day getting reacquainted in bed." I whisper as I lightly kiss his jaw. "Tonight, Tomorrow. We could just enjoy the weekend, naked."

"Please." His breathy answer makes my thighs clench but I just laugh in response. He is going to be a handful for a few days,
I can tell.

A phone rings from somewhere in the bathroom he just exited and he tenses up immediately. In just seconds he has disappeared into the bathroom once more, closing the door behind him. Leaving me blinking in confusion.

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