33.Figuring it out

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It was two days before I was informed that the one we caught was taken care of. Abyss did the job and locked himself away afterwards, as is his habit. Think it has to do with his personal demons that plague him, but its not my business.

I am still angry with myself for not getting them all, sure one left but instead of being the knight clad in leather for my girl I got one of my brothers shot. I failed, it definitely hurt but after days in her arms I swore it wouldn't happen ever again. Still got to do the right thing and check on my brothers.

Myth says he is fine but the stoic bastard probably wouldn't tell us if he wasn't. He has never been one to spill his issues, Grim and Dex know but other than him coming from Japan a few years back and working the tattoo shop I don't know much. The shop has been closed though so I am at the clubhouse.

Dex sits at the bar, surrounded in a fog of smoke with an empty fifth of whiskey in front of him immediately catches my attention. No one is sitting next to him, if anything they seem to be giving him a wide berth. He is randomly muttering curses under his breath as he takes long drags off his cigarette.

"You okay Vp?" I set a beer in front of him as I take the stool to his right.

"Deviant, why are you here and not with your girl?" He avoids answering my question but I won't push it. Whatever is bothering him isn't anyone's business until he is willing to share or it interferes with club shit.

"I needed to come check on things." I shrug unconvincingly.

Dex chuckles, his blue eyes knowingly flicking over my face. I almost think he has experience with actual relationships if I didn't know he had been in the club so long."Kicked you out eh?"

I laugh and nod. "She said I needed to stop coddling her and get out of her hair for a few hours."

"She is a good girl. Good for you." Dex grabs the beer and takes a swig. "Keep her safe."

"I will do my best." I pat his shoulder before leaving him to wallow in whatever he is refusing to admit.

Ice waves me over to a booth where Trigger and he sit, Trigger sporting a black eye and busted lip but I don't want to ask. Ice grins as his hand runs through his white blonde hair. "You looking for someone?"

"Myth. Know where he is at?"

"Time to discuss it already?" Ice chuckles patting me on the shoulder.

"Yeah. She is moving in with me." I feel pride fill my chest as I say it, I don't doubt this decision for a second.

Trigger glares. "It won't last." He grumbles under his breath. "Your ass can't stay with one pussy, just like me."

"Ignore him. His ass is moping cause his old lady gave him the boot." Ice shakes his head before looking around the clubhouse. "Might wanna check the apartment he keeps over the shop. Myth is probably there."

"Thanks man." My hand goes to his shoulder. Ice was a good friend, both to me and my woman.


Two hour later I had it all set up, her name would forever be branded into my skin just like it was on my soul. Myth had been glad to be able to get back to work swearing his shoulder wouldn't cause him to slow down, no he was ready to prove he was tougher than most the brothers with his refusal to take time off. I had heard he had needed to be sedated in order to keep him in bed and after that he ran off to his private sanctum only occasionally popping into the clubhouse to check in.

Mounting my bike yet again, I pause taking a moment to just look at the sky. It wasn’t something I ever paid any attention to before. Hex opened my eyes to the things I had been missing, the beauty of just existing. She made my world complete.

With that thought in mind I pulled out my phone, making a call that should have happened already. One ring, then two. A weak voice answers the phone.


Shit. What do I call her? "Mrs. Ollette? This is Adrian, your daughter Hex's...boyfriend."

"The one from the party?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Has something happened?" I can hear the nerves in her voice.

"No ma'am, just wanted to speak with you about something before..." I trail off trying to find the right words for what I want to ask her. "I want to ask Hex to marry me."

Squealing can be heard through the phone before the woman begins to cough. I can hear nurses running in, before she tells them its fine. She is much sicker than I thought.

"You love her that much?" She asks as she finally calms down, suddenly serious.

I smile to myself. "More than anything. She is a part of me."

"You aren't going to do her wrong like that bastard Luci is marrying, right?"

"I would rather cut off my own balls than hurt her." The words as honest as I can make them, but realizing how crude they are I try again. "Hex is an amazing woman, I don't want to ever see her hurt or in pain and I will give my life to prevent it from happening, so could I have permission to marry your daughter?"

"Of course you can." She giggles suddenly sounding more lively. "You seem like a good influence on her life. She has been happier since she met you."

I can't help my smile as she ends the call. Hex will be all mine, in both name and title, a patched in old lady sporting my ring on her finger, my last name. My chest flutters at the thought. Gods I hope she agrees.

Next stop is my woman.

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