Failing a job

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It started like any other night. I woke up at the club house, showered, talked to Bones to see about work. My phone goes off, text message. I had intended to stay in tonight but I left, heading to the crappy little biker bar, Hogz, on a tip. The whole town has been on the look out for a rapist who was spotted next town over yesterday, leaving one victim behind. He had gotten an important mans daughter last time he passed through, now he would pay. This was how things were handled around here. Grim, my boss, has a crew stationed in every town to ensure things go his way.

I get to the bar and notice nothing but locals, the same bar flies and whores that always are here. No sign of the weasely guy we have been asked to make suffer. I go sit with the two other guys I work with, Jerry ‘Trigger' Mince and Sven ‘Ice' Davis, noticing the attractive, but completely slutted up, women sitting between them. Nodding a hello I go back to looking around the bar.

I finally spot him, sitting in a booth drinking alone, but don’t move to confront him. I should watch him for a bit and catch him when he finds a target. He won’t be looking for us then, distracted by the hunt for another victim. Four towns worth of bikers, two MC's, and law enforcement have pulled together to stop him this time but they missed him yesterday, I won’t be missing him tonight.

Eleanor, the elderly woman who runs the bar brings us over a round with a silent nod of approval. She knows what we do and who we work for. She heads back behind the bar as a familiar blonde enters the bar. Kate, my ex, looking every bit the whore she is. Tight clothes that barely cover her, caked on make up, she has gotten more desperate to preserve her looks and it shows. My eyes narrow on the tall, muscle bound, man behind her, Goblin, one of the Devils Children, a second mc that runs around the area. We arent exactly enemies more like friendly rivals, where Devils Children handles running drugs, Hellfire handled everything else.

I grumble under my breath but inside I am relieved she is otherwise occupied tonight, she put me through the ringer when we were together and I don’t want to be bothered with her drama tonight. I return my attention to the guy in the dark booth as he snuffs out his cigar on the bare table. His attention seems to be focused on the door for a moment and for a moment I can’t blame him.

The woman is gorgeous, porcelain skin, dark hair, curvy. She was wearing a black tank top that showed off the tattoos down her right arm, though I can't tell from here what they are, and a pair of dark green cargo pants. Not the flashy shit most the women here wore. This woman is eye catching but in a whole different way. If I wrap this up quickly I was definitely going to try to get her in my bed tonight.

I loose track of my target while I watch her flag down a bartender and order a drink. Then I loose sight of her as well as drama comes to me. Long bare tan legs stand before me attached to a body that I once thought of as my own, but now that I know it never was mine it disgusts me. Kate folds her arms under her newly enhanced tits causing them to lift up in an impressive manner and scowls down at me. Her latest boob job looks a step to far for her small frame but I am sure she still has no problems getting laid.

“Adrian, or should I call you Deviant?” Kate sneers as she stands right in my line of sight, tapping her heeled foot in irritation. “Where's your slut of the week? Don’t tell me your little club ran out of easy pussy already.”

I just laugh, its not like I can argue. I sleep around, quite a bit since she showed me my flawed thinking. Relationships are a joke, why risk heartbreak? Kate taught me that lesson well. “What do you want Kate?”

“Nothing.” She bats her big eyes and smiles flirtatiously. “I just thought I would remind you what your missing…have some fun for old times sake. We could go use the ladies room for a few..”

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