Stay with me

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Matteo glanced down at the Rolex watch on his wrist, agitated at how slow the time was and wishes it would move a bit faster. He let out an unsatisfied groan as he saw that he had to wait about ten more minutes, and mentally slapped himself for waiting a bit too early.

He took out a cigarette from the pocket of his suit jacket and lit it. In the time that he would been waiting, he decided to have a quick smoke. He rested his back against the cold surface of the building, and placed his left foot against the wall. His demeanor mimicking those gangsters in the movies who spent their free time smoking on the corners, with his hand in the pocket of his trousers.

He didn't quite fully understand why he was doing this. He acted against his own will by standing outside of the workplace and waiting, which is something that Matteo had never done in his life. All that he knew was that he wanted more time. It was funny how his mood started changing ever since he saw the frail girl, but a small fraction of him did not mind.

He sighed.

Since when did he ever care about another person's feelings? Never did he even bother with his little sister, but deep down he always cared about her. He was that overprotective big brother that he should be but he would never show an ounce of affection. It was like he was a robot who could only mutter a few words and not express a slight change in expression, but he did care.

He cared about his family. His mafia. His friends.

He even cared about her.

A plain little woman. Nothing out of the ordinary but something captivating and so precious that he couldn't get off his mind. The slightest bit of interaction between the two had him craving for more, wanting her eyes to be on him constantly instead of the ground. So responsive and submissive that she could be controlled so easily, but he thought that she was not that type of person.

She was a walking temptress. An annoying itch that he couldn't scratch but he decided to stop ignoring it. Stop ignoring the burning sensation deep down within him whenever Aurora would appear in his mind.

The door to the cafe swung open and his head whipped to the side. He thought about fleeing because what he was doing might seemed a bit stalker-ish the more he thought about it. His movements seized when he took in the sight before him, the cigarette stopped in front of his awaited parted lips.

She rummaged through her bag, balancing another paper bag in her left hand. Her cheeks and the tip of her button nose were tinted red from the cold that nipped her skin. It was a bit cold outside as the night neared, frowning as he saw the lack of layers she had on her body.

Her head perched up and she took a step before stopping. Her eyes widened a bit when they met with his, her lips parting.

"M-Matteo?" she asked in surprise.

He took a deep breath when she heard his name falling from her lips like honey. It dripped with the sweet sound of the angelic voice she had, so soft and melodic that he wanted to hear it every day. Everything about this woman was sweet and tempting.

"W-what are you doing here?"

He took a drag from his cigarette. "I was waiting for you." he said plainly.

"For me?"

He nodded his head. "What for?"

He took one last drag from his cigarette, noticing the way her nose scrunched up from the sight of it in his hand. Realizing that she didn't like it, he threw it on the ground and stomped on it with the souls of his feet.

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