Little arguments

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Matteo and Aurora were sitting in the backyard. It was a very beautiful day outside and she couldn't spend it inside, so that afternoon she arranged a last minute picnic with him. She was still very shy in his presence ever since what had happened the night on his birthday but she tried mustering up the courage to be calm around him.

His ways have changed, she noticed. He would hold her more in his arms and honestly she was more than happy to be so close to him. When he would sit next to her, just like this morning, he would always touch her in some way. It would be holding her hand, playing with her hair or placing his hand on her thigh.

He had gone in to speak something privately with Cordelia, which honestly made her feel a tiny bit uneasy. He has been doing that a lot recently where he would leave the room to speak to Cordelia, not giving her a chance to talk to her as well. He would say that it was something family related and doesn't concern her but he would always seem frustrated after their calls.

She tried to ignore it and listen to him, respecting him when he said that it was none of her business.

Aurora had caught a ladybug which landed on her hand and she gave every bit of attention to the insect crawling on her hand.

Cordelia, however, did phone her the next day asking what had happened on Matteo's birthday. She wanted to know everything that happened that night between them but Aurora was a bit too hesitant to tell her what had happened. She felt weird telling Cordelia that she had kissed her brother but eventually told her.

Long story short, the call ended after two hours with Cordelia screaming a few times on the other end.

She liked the change that had taken place. She liked it a lot.

"Hey." she heard him say close to her ear.

He pecked the side of her neck before taking a seat on the blanket with her back against his chest. She sighed in content as she settled against his chest, his arm wrapping around her waist holding her captive.

"Isn't it pretty?" she said in awe.

She held the ladybug that was on her hand up to show him.

"No." he said.

Aurora turned around to face him, pouting. "You're rude." she said. She looked down at the ladybug. "It's so cute."

"Am I rude for only finding you pretty?"

She giggled as she placed her head against his chest, resulting in a small laugh coming from Matteo. He rested his chin on the top of her head, and she sighed as she felt his fingers brush up and down against her arm.

"I heard that ladybugs were supposed to give you good luck." she said to him.

"Don't believe that. It's all bullshit."

"No it's not. Aunt Jocelyne told me that."

"Old people believe in some very weird things, Aurora."

She shook her head. "I believe her." she whispered. "She said that if you find a ladybug you should treat it with a lot of care and gentleness because they are friendly insects. If you do that then you will have good luck."

He hummed as he continued to stroke her arm.

"Am I doing it right?" she asked.


"Am I treating the ladybug good?" she asked him again.

"Yes. I think it likes you very much, baby."

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