Stormy conversations

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Aurora heard a sigh behind her and tightened her grip on Cordelia. She knew how irritated he was by how long she was hugging his sister, but she hated that she was leaving. She was going to miss Cordelia, her first and true friend, and didn't want her to leave.

It was already late in the evening and Matteo's driver was waiting for Cordelia outside, but Aurora couldn't let go of her. Cordelia didn't seem to mind either.

"Aurora that's enough." she heard before she was pulled away by a strong hand.

She pouted. "I don't want her t-to leave."

"Don't worry. You will be seeing more of me soon." Cordelia winked.

Aurora smiled. "Really?"

Cordelia nodded and looked behind Aurora with a cocked brow. "That's if my brother allows me."

Aurora spun around, raising her head to look at Matteo. He scowled slightly at Cordelia before looking down at Aurora. She clasped her hands together and her lips spread wide into a smile.

"Can s-she?" she asked.

He didn't say anything but only gave a small nod, which was enough for the two girls to start squealing. Matteo cursed under his breath and the girls giggled.

"I'll call you later." Cordelia said when the driver hooted for her.

Aurora nodded vigorously. Matteo had gotten her a phone and made sure that she only had his number, but she asked Cordelia for hers too. The phone was only for emergencies and she didn't understand what type of emergencies.

The girls hugged again and Cordelia left.

Lying in her bed, she began to tremble. With every flash of light and loud roar of thunder, she shook under her covers. She was never one to like hearing the thunder and seeing the white flash outside her window, especially when she was alone.

Her room was dark as it is and adding to that eerie feeling, there was a storm outside. She loved seeing the rain hit against her window, but with harsh weather like this it was scary. She ducked under the covers whenever lightning would strike and thunder would roar.

She felt like a child. An adult like her shouldn't be afraid of something like this and she felt like she was just being foolish. There was no bravery in her and she was a coward who couldn't face her fears.

When the next one struck louder than the previous ones, she shrieked and sprang out of her bed. Throwing open the door she ran, her little feet padding along on the carpeted floor that echoed around the house. Her heart thumped inside her chest and her breathing picked up as she sprinted across the hallway.

It wasn't clear to her until her fist had already pounded against the door, what she had done. She wasn't thinking at that moment about what she was doing but when she realized she had knocked on his door, her body froze. She was so scared and with him being the only one with her in this house, she needed someone to be with her.

Her mind screamed at her to run away back into her room, but her feet were glued to the ground. Hearing some heavy footsteps on the other side of the door caused her anxiety to seep its way into her body. This was one of the worst decisions she has ever made, and she couldn't believe she had woken him up over something silly.

The door opened slightly and his toned chest was the only thing she could see as soon as it opened. She took a step back to be able to get a clear view of his face, with their height difference having her craning her neck. He looked down at her, his brows furrowed in confusion.

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