Left alone

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She hadn't seen him the entire morning.

When she had mustered the courage to leave her room, she noticed that he wasn't home. The house was completely empty which left her to herself along with Kitty, alone in this very big house. Even when he was away from her she still missed him despite the fact that what he said hurt her, she couldn't bring herself to hate him.

She had made herself breakfast. There was no Malinda to help her in the kitchen or keep her company. The only source of company was Kitty who rested on the kitchen counter, giving herself a bath with her tongue.

She ate alone, missing the comfort of having another person around her that she had grown accustomed to. It has always been her and Kitty, she had grown used to it but times have changed since the past three months of knowing Matteo. She became attached to him and now it was rather difficult to grasp that he left her alone.

It was already two Disney movies in and a few boxes of tissues scattered around her after the scene of Mufasa falling from the cliff, and Matteo still wasn't home. She would be lying if she said she hadn't checked the time repeatedly to see how long it had been since he's been home. It was currently past noon and he had been absent since this morning.

She was supposed to be mad at him, enjoying the time to herself where he wasn't around but a big part of her just wanted to see him. It brought her great joy just having a glance at his face but she felt like she was being ridiculous and continued watching her movies.

She felt the need to stretch as her limbs began to feel lame from sitting around for around three hours watching movies. She paused the movie that she had found on Netflix which looked to be sweet and a good animation called Howl's Moving Castle. She must admit that she had been admiring the man called Howl as his beauty truly captivated her.

Aurora's mouth felt a bit dry and she was thirsty for some fresh water. She paused the movie and walked into the kitchen, ready to pour herself a glass of water. She reached up to the cabinet, her arm reaching to grab hold of the glass when her eyes began to play tricks on her mind.

The glass suddenly became three glasses and she felt her arm become a bit weakened, urging her to put it down. She was too late when her fingers already grabbed hold of the glass and having lost energy in her arms, her fingers weren't stable enough to grip the glass which fell onto the floor.

She didn't have time to react to her mistake the fatigue had already passed through her body, causing her legs to go slack. Her body dropped to the floor, her frail arms trying to perch the top half of her body up as she heaved. The energy began draining from her body as her head spun, feeling a bit heavy enough to push her body onto the floor but she kept herself composed.

Matteo would be so angry if he would come home to see the mess that she had made in his kitchen.

She forced her body to move, wanting to clean the glass up from the floor but she felt too weak. Kitty peaked out from behind the island, and Aurora gave her a shaky smile.

"Mommy's okay." she said, forcing her voice to come out strong but it was not at all that. "Mommy's legs just wanted to take a nap."

She laughed softly at Kitty as tears formed in her eyes.

"Mufasa must have looked down at me watching his movie. Now he wants me to join him in the sky to meet him."

It has been about four hours.

She had regained the strength to pick herself up from the ground and thankfully rid the kitchen from all the shards of glass on the floor. It was almost dinner time and she decided to fix herself a meal.

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