Chapter 11

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We have everyone out if their cells in five minutes or less. Everyone also wisely decided to follow my rules and shut up.

I ease my way to the front of the crowd and cross my arms.

"Thank you for the cooperation. Everyone is out, now this is the part where all of you need to listen up very closely. I know my way out if here." They all give me curious looks. I nod and hold up my hands. "I am- no, was a member of this pack before I was put in here but this is not story time." I feel sweat role down my back. It is really hot in here.

"I will go before all of you and you will follow once I say so. Now is the time that you need to put all your training to use. If you choose not to do any of these, well, the you are screwed. Everyone got it?"

They all nod again and I scan the crowd to make sure everyone is listening. A sudden thought pops into my head.

The kid.

"I'll be right back."

I run down the hall to the very last one and quickly unlock it. I can barely see the boys tiny frame in the dark corner. I get closer and my eyes adjust to the darkness and I can see that he is visibly shaking.

I crouch down to his level. "I'm not here to hurt you, okay?" I take small steps toward him and he watches me with very wide eyes.

"I want to help you get out if here. You don't belong here. None of us do. I won't let anything happen to you." I take another small step and this time he doesn't look as scared.

I reach out my hands for him. His face shows an internal war with whether or not to take my hands. He finally decides to take them but when he tries to stand I see that there is a huge gash in his small leg. It has to have happened a couple days ago and it makes me wonder how long he was in here before I came.

I rest him back down and take a closer look. The cut looks like it had once gone all the way down to the bone but his body tried to heal it. There is thick red, ring looking skin surrounding it meaning it was majorly infected.

I wiped down my face before saying, "I'm going to carry you to the others. Your leg is too banged up for you to walk on." At this he looks a little freaked out but he lets my slowly put my arms around him and carry him on my hip. It's not hard since he only weighs like 30 pounds. Maybe less.

I walk down the hall and see all the people whispering to each other but the chatter immediately stops once they see me. Some of the women gasp at the little boy in my arms and others stare right at his leg, not knowing what to do.

I ignore them and push my way to the front. Greg comes to my side and reaches for the boy but his grip immediately tights and he holds onto me for dear life. I shake my head at Greg and some sort of...... happy feeling runs through me knowing that at least one person doesn't want me to let go of them.

I reposition him so that he is on my back and I make sure that his wound isn't being touched by anything. Next I simply turn around, nod at them all, and make my way up the stairs. My nerves start to grow when I realize I'm leading like 50 people out of danger and it can totally backfire on me.

Once I reach the top of the stairs, I turn to see Greg right behind me but the others are all waiting at the bottom. I smile to myself. They are good listeners.

"Okay, I need to make sure that no one is up there. I'll be right back." I say and start to hand over the boy to Greg. He was a little reluctant but I rub his cheek with my palm and give him a reassuring nod. My heart swells just thinking about what this boy has been through.

Greg backs away from the entrance and I press my ear to the large door. I can picture exactly what is on the other side. If I remember correctly, then Brad has one man posted on the opposite wall. He shouldn't be armed with anything more than a gun and a knife so I shouldn't be in any real danger.

Alpha Wants UsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora