Chapter Eight

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I sprint from my door to my room to finally call Christina. I decide to go for facetime and not a regular call. Any excuse to see her.

I call but she rejects it. I send her a quick message saying it's me and that I'll keep calling until she answers.

And on the next call, she answers.

"Hey", I say smiling until I see the way her eyes look. "Have you been crying?"


"What happened?"

"I had a fight with one of my best friends", she says, sniffing.

"Sorry. Was it really bad or do you think you'll be fine soon?"

"I don't know", she says, putting her hands on her face.

"Hey, hey, Christina", I say, feeling useless. I wish I was there with her to be able to actually help. "It can't be that bad. C'mon. If you are feeling this bad, I'm sure she'll be feeling the same way and...".

"He", she interrupts.

"Well, same thing...".

"No", she interrupts again. "It's not the same thing. You don't get it".

"Explain it to me, then. Make me understand it".

And so she does. She explains to me how the fight was with Matty, who is just a friend. But a friend who is in love with her. Yeah, got that much from his IG.

I just wanted her to talk about it so she could get it out of her chest and feel better. I didn't expect to be part of the reason why the fight happened in the first place.

"Well, that Lewis sounds like he's a great guy, huh?", I say once she's done.

"I don't know what his problem is. If he's just a sexist idiot annoyed to have a woman working with him or what? But he's crossed a line today".

"Yeah, a few lines I would say. He shouldn't talk to you like that. And...I'm sorry that part of this happened because of me".

"You did nothing wrong, Rúben. You just gave me some tickets for a match".

I'll omit the part about constantly thinking about her for now, then. And giving her those tickets to impress her. Not the moment to mention that.

"I'm sorry anyway. It seems like you are very close to this Matty and I don't know, I wish I could give you better advice".

"Actually, you listening has helped a lot. Thank you", she says and I finally see a small smile. "Also, thanks for reposting the interview. I'm sure it'll help us a lot. You didn't have to do it".

"It's not a problem".

"Anyways, I'll let you go now. It's getting late and I'm sure you have plans or something".

"No, I have nothing to do".

"No friends to meet?", she asks, biting her lip.

"No, just me alone at my place", I say. And her look tells me that was the right answer. It's also the truth. I'm not risking a Katie 2.0 again.

"Well, I do need to go. I'll try to call Matty and if he doesn't answer I'll call my best friend to cry to her", she laughs.

"I hope he answers", I say sincerely.

"Thank to you soon?", she asks, hopefully.

"Yeah, I'm here whenever you need me", I say and I mean it. I want to be there for her.

"Thanks. And bye!", she says with a little giggle.

"Bye, Christina".

When we hung up, I close my eyes and sigh. The obsession is only going to get worse from now on, isn't it?


After my unexpected conversation with Rúben, I call Sarah to tell her everything. She listens and tries to offer advice, as always. It really is just what I needed.

She also offers to have our pamper day tomorrow and I agree with her perfect plan.

The next morning, I get to the office to find a coffee at my desk with an "I'm sorry" card. I smile widely, knowing Matty couldn't stay mad for long.

When he walks back to his desk, I go to him and hug him. But...he doesn't hug me back.

"Matty?", I say, taking a step back and looking confused.

"The coffee wasn't mine".

Then, who got it for me?

"It's mine", I hear Lewis say.

I turn to him with a clear shock on my face.

"I know", he laughs. "Very unexpected but I have to say it again. I'm sorry for yesterday. I...I was an idiot".

"An idiot?", I snort. "You were more than that, Lewis. I ignore your sexist remarks most of the time, for peace's sake. But you took it too far yesterday".

"I know. I'm sorry", he says, head hanging low.

"You should be", I say pettily. I refuse to accept his apology easily. Let him sweat.

When Lewis and Dom leave to film a video, I try talking to Matty.

"Hey, are you ever going to talk to me? You are not being really fair, Matty", I say softly.

"I am not?

"No. It was just a white lie to try and avoid hurting you. Nothing else".

"And how many of those do you tell me on a weekly basis?"

I close my eyes and sigh.

"Yeah, exactly", he says, bitterly.

"So, you are going to stop being my friend just because of this? Really?"

"I won't stop being your friend. I just...I just don't know if I can do this anymore. If you go from all those random dudes you think I don't know about to footballers".

Well, that hurts.

"So you are now saying the same thing Lewis would say? You think I'll just throw myself at the first footballer that pays attention to me?", I say, angry at him. "Because just so you know it, he is not the first. For all you know, I've already shagged half the Premier League. Since I'm such a slut, right?"

"I didn't say that", he tries to defend himself.

"All those random dudes? Really, Matty? If you know my sex life so well, you'll know I've only been with two guys in the last year. Not that any numbers change anything. I'm free to do as I please", I can see him gulping at my words, he knows he's messed up. "And I haven't shagged Rúben but maybe I should. At least he doesn't treat me like shit".

With that, I leave to work in another room. When Dom asks me why I moved, I tell him I needed silence to concentrate and he doesn't push it further, thankfully.

At 2, I get up to leave and meet Sarah. I need her company so much.

When I'm waiting for the lift, I see Matty standing next to me. He doesn't try to speak to me and then I hear my phone ringing. When I check who it is calling me, I see Rúben's name. I turn to look at Matty and see he's seen his name too.

"I'll take the stairs", I say, leaving him there and answering the phone.

The journalist's footballer (Rúben Dias)Where stories live. Discover now