Chapter Nineteen

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I can't believe how easily Christina has dropped that bomb. Her working at City? Moving here?

I then realise I'm almost begging her to say yes to the offer. To move to another city. As if it was that easy. I know how hard it can be.

"I mean", I say, "it sounds like a good opportunity, right?"

"It is. A great one".

"So you'll say yes?", I say, hopeful.

"99% sure I will", she smiles. "You ok with that?"

"Why wouldn't I be?", I ask confused.

"No reason. Just wanted to make sure you were ok with the decision".

"Well, now you know I am".

It's the best news she could give me. I still will have to spend two months without seeing her, but then...then she'll work with me. And live near me.

"Where are you going to live?"

"Eh...I don't know. I haven't looked into it".

"You could stay at my place", I offer.

"What? Rúben, no! I can't move in with you. You're not going to let me pay for anything I refused my own parents' help for a year to make it on my own, I can't accept yours now. I won't feel ok about it."

I get that. And I really respect it.

"Ok, how about this?", I say. "If you say yes to the job and move here, you'll do it while I'm away".

"Yeah?", she asks, intrigued with what I would say next.

"And I'll need someone to look after my apartment. So how about you stay there, rent-free, and just make sure everything is fine while I'm away".

"I don't know, Rúben. I..."

"Listen", I interrupt. "You'll have a couple of months to look at places where you can move when I'm back. And I won't pay for anything", I say, to appease her complaints. "You'll still manage to save money. Doesn't it sound good?"

I can almost hear her brain thinking.

"I guess that's a pretty good idea..."

"Perfect!", I say, beaming at her. "Let's do this then".

"I don't know how you've managed to convince me, honestly", she says, rolling her eyes at me, but smiling.

When we realize what time it is, we hurry to the car so she can make it on time to the train. Now it doesn't feel that bad to separate from her. Knowing what the future holds.


Saying goodbye to Rúben at the train station was harder than it should have been. And I still can't believe he's convinced me to stay at his place while he's away. But a part of me is happy about it. It'll be easier to deal with the distance being surrounded by his things, right?

Wait, what if it's worse?

But there is no time to think about it much because on Monday I have to go back to work. And face Matty.

When I get to the office, he isn't there. But Lewis is.

"Had a nice weekend?"

"I did. What about you?", I ask him.

"I didn't get invited to any matches, so it was quite boring".

"Well, you'll have to work some more on your social skills. Maybe that's why no one wants you around", I tell him, adding a wink at the end.

He actually laughs.

When Matty gets to the office and sits in front of me, I can see him trying to catch my attention. But I ignore him. If I don't have to share a word with him again, it'd be for the best.

After noon, Dom finally has time to talk to me.

"So, what is it?"

"Well, this isn't easy to say but I have been offered another job".

"Ok", he says, clearly sad about the news. "I mean, I'm not surprised. Can I ask who wants to hire you?"

"Manchester City".

"Wow, ok!", he laughs. "That's no joke. Though, like I said, I'm not surprised. I knew you wouldn't last here long".

"I love it here. And I'm so thankful to you for everything you've done. But it's just an opportunity I can't say no to".

"I know, Chris. I wouldn't stop you from moving forward with your career. You know that".

"Thank you", I say sincerely. "I'll stay the next two weeks, as it says on my contract and I'll be able to do the interviews we had arranged".

"Always so professional", he laughs fondly. "City will be lucky to have you".

When I leave his office, Dom gives me a hug.

"We'll miss you a lot. You know that right?"

"I'll miss you too".

With a smile, he goes back to his office.

"Are you quitting?", says Lewis when I sit down at my desk.

"Ha! You wish. I got another job. I'll be leaving soon".

"You are leaving?", asks Matty. But I ignore him and continue typing.


The next day I get back to the office to find a big bouquet of flowers on my desk.

"Who sent this?", I ask.

"Your new employers", answers Lewis. "City, huh?".

"Yeah...City", I hear Matty muttering.

"Do you have something to say, Matthew?"

"Nothing I haven't said yet", he says, finding his courage all of a sudden. "Two dates with Dias and all of a sudden you work for City. Doesn't take a genius to guess how things work".

"Maybe, just maybe, he didn't have anything to do with this and I was offered the job because of my work ethic. Ever thought of that option?", I tell him. We are now both standing.

"Nah, I've been working with you for a while so it can't be that. It must be because you are sleeping with him. Too bad I never managed to get you to sleep with me. No matter how hard I tried to pretend to be your friend".

And that's the last straw. I slap him as hard as I can.

I hear Lewis gasp.

"What the fuck? You fucking bitch!"

"You don't get to talk to me like that ever again, Matthew. Fuck you!"

After that, I leave to buy some lunch. I mostly need the fresh air and to take deep breaths. Count to 10 maybe? I think I'm having a panic attack.

The journalist's footballer (Rúben Dias)Where stories live. Discover now