Chapter Eighteen

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"Emm...Harry Kane?"

"No", I say, trying not to laugh.

"Well, that's disappointing", she says. "Oh please, don't tell me you are that Rúben Dias guy. I can't stand him".

I move my hands from her eyes to her shoulders to turn her, frowning at her.

"Well, too bad for you".

She just laughs and then hugs me, again. I can get used to her and her hugs.

"Congrats", she says.

"Thanks", I say, smiling down at her. "Should we get going?"


And so we go back to my car.

"I was thinking about our next match at home", I tell her.

"Spurs, yeah. Don't talk to me that day", she says giving me a funny look.

"Ok, but, how about you come to the match?"

"I can't", she says and my spirits go down immediately.


"I'm going home to visit my family. It's been a long time since I got to see them".

"Oh, ok. Well, family first", I try to laugh to hide my disappointment.


"So", I start talking again. "Will we be able to see each other before the World Cup?"

If we do well, and I really hope we do, I'll be gone for over a month. If I don't see her before leaving, it'll be two months away from her. And just thinking about it annoys me.

"I don't think so", she says, looking outside of the window.

"Well, that fucking sucks", I say, stating the obvious.

That gets a sad laugh from Christina. "Yeah".

When we make it to my apartment, I realise she's leaving now. I'll have to drive her to the station in less than an hour and then not see her again for two months. How am I supposed to do that?

"I'll go finish packing", she says, noticing my change in mood.

"Ok. I'll go get changed".


The moment both Rúben and I realised we are not seeing each other in a long time, everything changes. It's as if someone had turned the reality button on to show us this weekend was the exception.

Only 5 minutes later, I'm sure everything is properly packed and I make my way to the kitchen, where I find Rúben sitting in a chair.

"Rúben?", I say softly making him turn.

"You ready?"

"Yeah, but we don't need to leave for another 40 minutes. How about going to the park again? No call will ruin it this time".

That manages to put a little smile back on his face. "Let's go".

When we sit on the bench, I speak before I realise what I'm saying. I just can't stand this silence between us.

"I've been offered a job", I say, making Rúben look up at me.

"Have you? Who offered the job?"

"Tom", I say, waiting to see if he makes the connection.

"Tom?...No!", he turns fully to face me. "Have you been offered a job at City?"

I nod.

"Christina! That's amazing!", he says, beaming.

And that makes me smile too.

"Did you say yes to his offer?"

"I didn't have the chance. He just mentioned it and told me to think about it. I'll obviously have to talk to my current boss and wait a couple of weeks to change jobs but...I think I want to say yes".

I have been thinking about it since I told Sarah. She's right. The job is better and the city is cheaper. I can grow as a journalist and make good connections for future jobs. And of course, Rúben is in Manchester too.

"You'll be moving to Manchester, right?", he asks.

I nod again.

"And working with me?"

"Well, I don't know exactly how much we'll work together but, yeah, the same team. So I guess I'm likely to see you here and there", I say laughing.

"Please say yes", he says, staring so intensely into my eyes, that he might as well be staring at my soul. 

The journalist's footballer (Rúben Dias)Where stories live. Discover now