Marine AU -21-

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Sorry for the very long wait. If you read this until the bottom, you may see why. I have run out of idea for this one.

And i think i'm gonna change Sinn personality.

Sania slapped the back of Tsuki head, hard. Tsuki turned to the black haired goddess "what the FUCK Sania!?" She yelles while rubbing her head. Sania scoffed "ugh...! Hurry up and make them watch something! The reader are getting bored!" The two best friend then stared at each other.

"How- when did you know about the reader?" Tsuki ask, looking at her friend suspisciously "i have my way" Sania answer with a smile. Tsuki sigh and just summons an orb, the orb is white and have a marine flag in it. She started the screen.

Ace, Sabo, and Luffy are some of the top marine. People say that they are gonne be the next Akainu, Aokiji, and Kizaru (the 3 admirals). But for now, they are working for Akainu.

"So... i'm guessing... that this is an AU where me, Ace and Luffy are marines?" Sabo stared at the gods. Tsuki looked at the screen, and then looked at Sabo "yup" she said popping the 'p'.

You can see that Garp is happy.

It's morning, around 4 am. And the three got called into the admiral office. Garp put them here before they can go out to be a pirate. At first the three of them protessed but Garp just keep telling them 'it's for your own good', and Ace swore he feels like beating the hell out of him. But even he knows that he is no match to him.

Luffy yawn, still feeling sleepy "why is he calling us at this time..?" He mumble while rubbing his eyes to keep awake. Sabo, who is on his right answer "who knows, besides we are the top three in this base. So we just have to expect something like this gonna come soon" he said while continuesly sipping on his coffe. "I can't fucking sleep all night and when i got to sleep he fucking called us!? God! I fucking hate my narcolepsy!" Ace mumble as he kept walking straight and glaring at nothing.

Ace smiled sheepishly "yeah... sometimes i can't sleep at night because of my narcolepsy".

When they reached the door, Sabo opened it up for them and then they stand infront of Akainu "Finally..." Akainu grumble. Ace mouth twicth up and down 'be gratefull the we even bother to come you asshole'.

"Hey! Hes the admiral! Show some respect!" A marine for some reason yelled out. The trio brother stared to the direction of the voice "but were pirates, we doesn't really give any respect" Luffy slowly say.

Ace smiled "yeah! We are pirates! We only show respect to the one who deserve it!". The marine fummed in anger and embarassment, they sit down and keep quite.

Akainu coughed "okay so... there are rumors going around, saying that there is a powerfull devil fruit that maybe can beat whitebeard." Ace eyes widen and glance to his brothers, both of them didn't notice him glancing at them.

"They said that the devil fruit is purple, and consisting of many components such as small teardrops with threaded patterns and green leaves growing on the stem. Go find them at XXX island" as he stopped giving them information Ace, Sabo, and Luffy salluted to him and go out.

Fast foward to the three at the dock ready to depart. Ace put in the last box for their mission "that's all of it" he turned to Sabo "is everything ready?" He asked and Sabo nodded. "Luffy! We are ready to sail!" Sabo yelled out. " ay ay captain!" Luffy playfully say.

"Heyyyy! I'm the captain! Not you" Luffy whined "yes Luffy, we know that you are the captain" Sabo tried to calm his baby brother down.


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