Chapter 7

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Oliver's pov:

"I don't trust her" I address the group.

"You don't have to trust her Ollie, you just have to work with her," Sarah breathed out in reply. Her brows were creased in thought.

"I'm not sending members in my team out to fight an unknown danger with a total stranger,"  I reprimanded.

This is unbelievable. They are all just blindly trusting this girl. Sure super girl knows her but that doesn't mean anything.

"I don't work with people I don't trust, because that is what gets people killed-"

Superior interrupted me, " Percy isn't dangerous Oliver, she's Is only here to help."

"And decided it was already a hassle to convince her to TRUST US, and I won't have your brooding "badass" attitude you have got going on Ruin that. Put your big boy pants on and learn to work with her," Kara said in a surprisingly stern voice with a hint of frustration in it.

I did not expect that from her and clearly neither did everyone else because the room fell into a still silence. Cisco's mouth was slightly agar and everyone else just stared with wide eyes. In the corner of my eye I saw Barry smirking, almost seemly proud?

Before anyone could say anything further, Percy strided back into the room. She  was talking as she walked, "So I've contacted some people and they're gonna be here soon-". She stopped to look at everyone.


"Whats going on, you all look like you just saw Freddie mercy come back from the dead, scream, 'MAMA!' And then sink into the floor."she said humorously, trying to break the tension. Her expression suddenly dropped, "Did somebody die?" She said slightly panicked. "I didn't mean to make a dead joke when someone actually died," her eyebrows creasing in worry.

"Percy, calm down. No one died, we were just talking about what happened earlier." Kara jumped in.

Percy looked unconvinced but didn't question her any further.

"So you said you got help?" Kara changed the subject. She had a gentle smile on her face.

"Oh yes, so um they'll be here in a next few days so I figured in the mean time I should probably fill all of you guys in" she said enthusiastically. She looked optimistic but in her eyes she held a hint of worry. About what? I wondered to myself.

"Thank god," Sarah said under her breath next to me. " I hate being out of the loop."

We all turned to follow her, crowding around the white board at the side of the room. Percy turned to face us.

Once everyone got settled, she cleared her throat. Our attention was now focused one her.

She breathed out a nervous laugh, "wow you're all looking at me so intensely, Batman who?"

"Percy," Kara reminded her, "The explanation?"

"Oh right. Duh. Why else would all of you be staring at me-"

"Perc," Kara sighed.

"Sorry sorry," Percy said. She had a slight red tinge to her cheeks.

She scratched the back of her neck before finally starting to explain.

"The first thing that you should probably know is that not all legends are fake, in this situation we are talking about the Greek ones."

Cisco added in, "You mean like gods and stuff?" He asked a bit suprised.

"Well yeah," she replied.

"How would you possibly know this?" Charlie asked with a pinch of hostility. What is her issue.

"Well everyone, I am persephone Jackson, daughter of Poseidon and Sally Jackson, hero of Olympus, at your service."

I blinked my eyes in surprise. I was not expecting that.

Then all hell broke lose.

An Old Friend (pjo x arrowverse crossover)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz