Chapter 35

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We spent the rest of the night looking at pictures of family, my grandmother, my parents.

There was also a video of my empty house when I had just moved in after leaving my family home.

"This is it?" Neel got confused as he saw the video.


"How do you breathe in a such a tiny little space."

I just smiled to myself. there was nothing to explain.

I also showed him how I had downloaded materials from my Q tab in my crate and saying that he was surprised would be an understatement.

He felt as if he was in a magical world, with me wearing the magician's cloak and him being a 5 year old child. Clapping with excitement and surprise.


Yug and Aarini's reaction to my identity wasn't what was expected.

"There is nothing to be scared of." Neel told them defending me. Both of them were sitting on the bed of an empty room, while I and Neel were standing before them.

We couldn't go to each other's room. Nobody was allowed in the king's room, Neel wouldn't like Yug in my bedroom, Aarini and Yug couldn't go to each other's room before engagement. It was a chaos. So we decided to meet in a completely different room at the corner of the palace.

It was difficult to sneak Aarini and Yug in together, since they weren't supposed to meet or see each other before engagement. But we managed it somehow, just one night before their engagement.

It was the next day, where Yug engages Aarini, and becomes a part of the royal family.

I was upset, since I was sure I will not get to see them married.

"This is instead very interesting." Neel was very fascinated with the Q tab.

I guess most of the men were meant to be techno savvy

"How did you come in here?" Yug questioned, unable to actually focus on the Q, like the police officer that he was, and I answered, honestly to all of them, except when I was supposed to back.

"So this is the reason why, you randomly, suddenly appeared in the court that afternoon, with an attire that was so questionable?" Yug had joined the dots. "I was always wondering this, how did you manage to appear in the middle of the court and no one had even seen you. But now it makes sense." Yug nodded to himself.


At anytime the two men got after that, even a few minutes to themselves- in between court sessions, after lunch, in between meetings, in between some preparations that needed their presence, they would engage in the Q.

They were really enjoying themselves in the Q that had no internet connection and I could help but think how fascinated they would have been if there was actually some sort of network.

I wish I could show them instead of only telling them how phone calls and video calls and minor teleporting works.

For most of it, Neel and Yug, were playing some war game that my little cousin had downloaded when he had come to my place, approximately 1 year back. I would have deleted it, but for some reason I had let that game be in my Q although I never played it.

Aarini couldn't digest the time travel well. Although she tried appearing okay and cool about it, she was a little distant, scared and aloof. She hadn't touched the Q or been anywhere near it.

Also for most of the time, she was looking for her mother, and couldn't quite understand why her mother was away from all the preparations especially when the engagement was just the next day. Neel had asked me to not tell her anything as he would like to convey the message by himself.

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