Chapter 39

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I opened my eyes slowly internally hoping for a miracle, but reality hit me on my face as soon as I opened them. I was standing, once again, in an almost empty space, deprived of any natural lights, with computer screens floating at various places.

It was Aakav's lab. I cried hysterically. My knees getting weaker, unable to support my erect body. I collapsed exactly in that red circle, that once took me there.

There was no one in the lab. And the emptiness hit my guts harder than fear of going to 1441 had ever did.

Neel. I want him. Just once. Let me just say a proper goodbye. Let him not see me disappear like that.

I cried even harder, uncontrollably, hyperventilating but not wanting to breathe even one percent of this air of 2070. I didn't know how long must I have been like that, before I passed out, in the lab.


I opened my eyes to bright artificial lights, blinding me. It took me a while to figure out where I was. But as soon as I realized that it was not 1441, not Neel's kingdom, a world without Neel; panic and distress triggered my nerves. I started fidgeting around like a maniac, getting the modified, medical equipment out of my skin and body.

I wanted to get out of this hospital. I wanted to run away from here. As if running anywhere will lead me back in time.

"Jiera!" I heard a voice call me out.

It was Aakav standing ahead at the door.

He looked different from what I had last remembered. 

He looked ugly.

He did not look attractive to me anymore.

His voice had made me sit and stop pulling the tubes out of my system. His eyes looked concerned, worried. He came to stand closer.

"Are you okay?" he asked softly, whether it was out of worry or guilt I don't know.

"Send me back." I looked at him hopefully. Hoping he will listen to me. Hoping that he would have mercy on my desperate voice, my desperate attempts.

"What?" his voice pointed out my how ridiculous my demand sounded.

"Send me back" I screamed at his face.

"Jiera, what's wrong with you? You're here now, in your world." He tried pulling me out of my head which was already getting concerned about Neel.

"He has seen me disappear. He must have been devastated, shocked. I can't imagine his plight." I was starting to get restless again. My voice getting heavy, pushing me on the verge of breaking down again.

"Who?" he was downright confused. I don't know what he expected me to be like when I return. But I am sure he must not have expected me to ask him, rather beg him to send me back.

"Yug... I did not even get to see him after he returned from the war. How must he have been? What if he is badly injured or something?" I was practically sobbing and talking to myself.

"What are you talking about Jiera?" Aakav was starting to get annoyed by the way I had been speaking without context.

"My Q.." another bad realization dawned upon me. I looked up at him, and I am sure he could see the horror in my eyes.

"I left my Q there." My voice filled the empty room. I was frantic, scared, heart broken.

I need to see him. My Q tab was the last string I was holding on to. How the fuck can I leave it there.

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