Chapter 37

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(This is a double update. Make sure to read chapter 36 before this one.)

I halted abruptly in my tracks, pondering upon bad thoughts after bad thoughts, one after another. My overthinking had me frozen.

Brinda who was running behind, came to stop right next to me.

"You should go see Your Majesty before he leaves. He won't get time to come to you." She pulled me out of the downward spiral.

I opened the door of his bedroom, not bothering to knock the door or ask him, or announce my arrival before I enter.

He turned to look at me. his eyes immediately softened as he saw me.

He slowly walked towards me, as I ran to stand directly in front of him. He was putting on his armor, his metallic vest which was meant to protect him.

I had seen this heavy attire only in museums. If I remember it correctly it weighs somewhere around 20-30 kg.

I don't know how comfortable was wearing a 30 kg metal on your body while you ride a horse, run, kill the enemies and protect yourself and your army.

He sighed in front of me, cupping my face of one hand of his, while he moved his thumb over my cheek.

I let go of the tears, I had been holding onto. Seeing him like this, I knew it was no joke. No matter how much I wanted it to be, this was our reality.

That the last few days of our togetherness, that we should have cherished, taken back to our own worlds, those last days, we might not even get to see each other.

I was not ready to accept, that the previous evening, was our last evening together. That there shall be no more 'syrup' moments. That there shall be no more selfies.

He was all covered up, inch by inch on the skin. I cannot accept, I won't be able to contact back to his skin anytime after this.

This is not what I wanted.

I had accepted the fate of our incomplete love story, but isn't destiny being very cruel now.

I tried my best to stop sobbing. The last I wanted to be, was his weakness.

I sniffed, pulling myself away from him as I looked at him.

"Take care." I said.

"Hmm" he was still looking at me intently, knowing that I wasn't doing okay.

"Come back soon." I spoke weakly.

He smiled weakly as he nodded.

"You do have time, don't you?" his fear was audible in the question that he had put forth.

I nodded in a yes, trying to be as assuring as possible.

"I'll finish this up, and be here soon."

"How long will this take?" I asked him desperately.

"I don't know." he spoke truthfully. "They have not invaded our nation yet, they are still at the borders. Our armies are doing well to tackle most of it without arms and swords. But I need to go to the border. It might take me a day or two to reach there. I just hope everything is under control till then. Once I reach there we'll figure out what needs to be done based on the actual scenario. Although I have sent my fastest and bravest warriors last night, so hopefully they'll reach by tonight and be of help if needed."

"Where is Yug?" I asked. I was afraid he must have left without meeting me for the last time.

"Must be downstairs, checking all the weapons and getting things ready."

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