10. Because I love her

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Author's POV

''Lee rang-nim, you're staring at her and its obvious. Please snap out of it.'' Yuri whispered to Lee rang.

''Uhm, actually I thought you might be hungry so I ordered some noodles.''

''Yeah im starving ! You must be hungry too y/n-ssi. Let's go eat.'' Yuri said trying to clear the tension in the air.

They sat on the dining table. Y/n had eaten a spoonful when she says,

''Is this from the 'snail bride' ?''
''Yes, it is. How'd you know ?'' Lee rang asked.
''Me and my friends often go there for lunch. But I dont think they deliver so late at night.''
''Im quite a special customer.'' He said winking.

''I'll go to the kitchen, I need some water.'' Yuri said getting up from the table to give y/n and Rang some space.
After she had left.

''Thank you.'' Y/n said softly.
''What ?''
''Thank you for saving me and bringing me here. I'll make sure to return your favor.''
''It's alright. I didn't do it to get anything from you in return.''
''But how'd you know I was in danger ?''
''Well, you can call it fate. But you have to be really careful from now on.''
''About ?''
''Y/n it's---''

Lee rang was interrupted by the doorbell.

''Who could it be this late at night ?'' Yuri asked coming out of the kitchen.

Lee rang got up and opened the door.

''Is y/n inside ?'' Do hwa asked panting.
''What are you doing here ?'' Lee rang asked annoyed and perplexed.

Do hwa gets inside the house almost without Lee rang's consent and finds y/n on the dining table.

''Do hwa ?'' Y/n stood up and took a step forward.
''What are you doing here--'' y/n was caught off guard by a sudden hug from Do hwa.

''You're alright.'' Do hwa said still holding onto y/n not knowing that Lee rang's been staring a hole into his soul.

Y/n pulls away from Do hwa.

''How'd you come here ?''
''I told you to call me when you leave from the hall. I tried calling you but you didnt receive. When I reached there you weren't there. I searched for you everywhere y/n.''
''Im sorry I must have left my phone there in a haste.''
''Just what happened there ?''

Y/n looks at Lee rang and he nods a 'NO'.

''Things happened.'' That was all y/n said. For some reason it didnt sit right with her too, to tell Do hwa about what happened.

''Then what are you doing here ?''
''I had somethings up....''
''Anyways, let's go.''
''Where ?''
''Home.'' Do hwa answered adding emphasis to the word.

Y/n didnt move. She looked at Lee rang. It was like she was waiting for him to ask her stay.

''If you feel like going back, you can.'' Rang said reassuring y/n.

''Give me two minutes Do hwa.'' Y/n agreed to go back home because just how long would she stay at Lee rang's.
''I'll wait for you outside.''
Do hwa exits the house glancing at y/n.

''Thank you for today. Even though i'm genuinely thankful for what you did I can't cover the fact that you are were somewhere involved in the cases.''
''I'll cooperate.''

Y/n waved a bye to Yuri and exits. It was barely a moment y/n had left with Do hwa when Yuri sees Lee rang going somewhere too.

''Lee rang-nim where are you going ?''
''I need to make sure she's safe. Go to sleep, dont wait for me.''

Cruel Fate (Lee rang version)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ