16. The ritual

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Author's POV

''Who are you ?'' Yeon asked in a firm voice.
''You should've let me go.'' Ji ah said in a creepily weird tone. To yeon it felt like it wasn't Ji ah speaking but someone else. But the question was who was it ?

''What are you ?''
''Our ill fated relationship would've ended if you hadn't stopped the boat from crossing the Samdo river.''
''No, that woman is born with a face that only I can recognise. And I don't see it in you.'' Yeon said, his mind running through the stack of memories of him giving his fox bead to Aeum.

''You really don't know anything, yeon.'' She said laughing eerily still holding on to yeon's throat.

Ji ah slowly let go's of him and starts hissing over the wounds pain that she had on her shoulder.

''Its hot ! What did you do to me ?'' She said rubbing off the medicinal herb from her shoulder.
''Who are you ?''
''What kind of question is that ?'' Ji asks clueless.
''Answer me.''
''What is it ?''
''Who are you ?!'' At this point yeon was yelling.
''It's me, Ji ah. Im Ji ah.'' She says clueless about why yeon was asking who she was. Didn't he already know ?
''Don't you remember anything ?'' Yeon asks astonished.

Yeon suddenly picked up a stone out of nowhere and threw in the opposite direction which Lee rang held in his hand like it was nothing. When did he come there ?

''Aren't we too old to play catch ?'' Rang asked amusingly, too proud of his abilities

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''Aren't we too old to play catch ?'' Rang asked amusingly, too proud of his abilities.
''We hate each other too much to play catch. I actually meant to kill you.'' Yeon said standing in front of Ji ah. He then immediately holds her hand and makes a run. But Ji ah suddenly remembers that she forgot her parents photograph under the tree she was sitting and sprints towards the said tree.

Rang crushes the stone that yeon had thrown at him with bare hands and throws them towards Ji ah. But yeon was quick enough to shield her and not one even one stone could get close to her.

''Run away.'' Yeon tells Ji ah after she had picked up the photograph.
''What's going on ? Are you guys dating ?'' Rang always has something to piss of yeon.
''Hurry !'' Yeon says as he sees Rang running towards them.
Ji ah escpaes her way out of Rang's clutches as Yeon was now fighting with him.

Ji ah escpaes her way out of Rang's clutches as Yeon was now fighting with him

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