38. Dont wanna lose you

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‘Like dreaming a dream you can’t wake up from
Like a nightmare where you’re lost in the dark
When things are too hard
Slowly lift your head
In a place where your tired heart can rest
I’ll be standing there

I’ll be your light
I’ll be a star that revolves around you and shines on you
Like the moon that protects the dark night
Like the sky that colors the sea
I’ll be a light for you
I’ll be a light only for you.’

Author's POV

Y/n sprints to the bedroom where Rang was lying on the bed in his unconscious state. She walked closer to his figure, kneeling to the ground near the bed looking at his dreadful state. His face and fingers covered with fresh wounds and scratches, pale and lips busted.
It hurt her to see him like this, like something was piercing through her heart. But the pain couldn't compare anything to the sight in front of her. And for the first time, she felt scared.

''Yuri, what happened to him ?'' She asked almost on the verge of breaking down.
Yuri and Shin ju explain her everything about the spirit of darkness.

''Why isn't he waking up then ?'' Y/n asked as a tear trickled down her cheek.
''He did wake up but only for a few seconds. Then he fainted again.'' Yuri said.
''Don't worry, y/n-ssi. Its because of the spirits poison. I've treated him so he'll be fine. But I don't exactly know when he'll wake up.''

Yuri and Shin ju somehow managed to calm y/n down because Rang was not in a good state as it is, they didn't wanted y/n to stress and harm her health too.

After some time,
Shin ju left asking Yuri to take care of herself and call him if any help is needed. It was late night now, yuri and y/n were beside Rang all the time while y/n kept changing the wet cloth on Rang's forehead to help subside his fever.

''Y/n-ssi you should take some rest. You aren't well yourself. You haven't even had anything to eat.'' Yuri said worried about y/n.
''Im fine Yuri.'' She said not moving her gaze from Rang as she held his hand tight in hers.

''I'll change the water.'' Yuri said taking the bowl and exiting the room when she gets a call from Shin ju.

Y/n lied her head down on the soft mattress still not leaving hold of Rang's hand while her tears fell and slid on his hand.

A voice made her look up to see Rang looking at her. She couldn't say anything, her throat felt choked up. She didn't know how to react to it. Rang sits up and worriedly looks at y/n.

''Are you alright ? When did you wake up ? How---'' He asked looking at her when y/n suddenly pulled him in a tight hug, audibly sobbing, making Rang widen his eyes with her clearly unexpected move.

''You're alright...... Im so relieved you're alright. I thought I lost you.'' She said heaving a sigh of relief. After some seconds she pulled back,

''You love scaring me don't you ? Do you know you've been out the whole day ? You are literally covered in wounds and scratches. And you're asking me how I am ? Look at your state, you've barely come back alive. Do you know I was scared to death to see you like that ?! If you wouldn't have waken up I would have---'' Y/n spilled everything out but got interrupted by Rang as he crashed his lips on hers.


I went on telling him everything, how scared and terrified I was just at the thought of him not coming back. The horrified feeling that crept my heart when I realised I wouldn't be able to see him again. But why am I telling him all this ? Why do I feel this way ?

I was gonna say more when I felt his lips pressed on mine. His lips looked chapped but actually they felt really soft when they collided with mine. He had hurt his lips, I wonder if it stings. But again, I don't think he cares about it right now. It was unexpected but it didn't feel forced. Because I went along with it.

I felt like I could feel every emotion, everything that he wanted to tell me. How his touch promised to protect and love me till the end. Why I know and feel all this ? I think I got my answer.

''I told you. If you continued to do this, I wouldn't be able to hold myself back anymore.'' He said looking at me with those eyes, they speak aloud his heart.

Then don't.

Author's POV

''Yeah, I don't know. Im going to check on him.'' Yuri said in a sad-tired tone as she walked towards the bedroom. But what she saw made her eyes go wide and mouth left agape.
Thankfully Y/n and Rang hadn't noticed her standing on the door, and she decided to quickly take her leave but she mistakenly bumps into the vase kept near her, making it crash down and make a noise loud enough for both Y/n and Rang to flinch and notice her standing there giving a nervous smile.

The duo instinctively pulls away from each other and shifts to a distance getting all awkward.

''Lee rang-nim, you're awake hehe ? I-- i'll come later, Bye ?'' Yuri said just wanting to escape from there but y/n clears the air.

''Yuri, come in. You were so worried, you should talk to Rang. I'll take that.'' Y/n said walking to Yuri and taking the bowl of cold water from her hands, exiting the bedroom as Rang kept glancing at her.

''Eheh, are you feeling better lee rang-nim ?'' She asked still laughing nervously as she sat down beside him.
''Yeah, I have wounds but they'll heal.'' He said acting sulky.

''Im really sorry, I didn't know you two would be-- would be-- anyways ! Im sorry to have interrupted you guys. I promise i'll make it up to you !'' She said clapping her hands together.
''Im not saying anything because it was you Yuri, had it been someone else, I would have turned them into a cat.''
''C'mon lee rang-nim, you can't turn someone into a cat. That's still high level stuff right ?''
''You wanna try me ?''
''No, no !'' Yuri said scared making Rang giggle.

''Seeing how you are teasing me, you must be feeling better.''
''Yes. Sorry for making you and y/n worried.''
''You're back lee rang-nim. That's what matters.'' Yuri said hugging Rang.
''Ah, easy there. Im still wounded ya know.''

''Yuri, did you get to know anything about Yeon ?''
''Yes. Don't worry. I talked to Shin ju, he's back. He just needs some rest.''
''That's a relief.''
''By the way, since when are you two living together ? And why dont I know about it ? Even Shin ju knew.''
''What's there for you to know ? And how did he get to know ?''
''I don't know. He told me that you two were living together, that's why I had come to surprise you both today. I think it might be Yeon.''

''Ofcourse ! Who else could it be ? Yeon surely is a big spy and he definitely cant keep anything with that mouth of his. Word travels faster than the wind these days.''

''Anyway I'll leave.'' Yuri said.
''Now ?''
''I promised to make it up to you. Im gonna keep my word by giving you both some personal time. And I also have to collect my bet money from Shin ju.''
''What money ?''
''We just made a bet about you and y/n-ssi. I knew this would surely happen if you two were living together. And look I won.'' Yuri said beaming at Rang.
''Woah, Yuri-ya. It seems that you've turned into a spoilt kid. You deserve some punishment for that. Maybe I should---''
''Yes y/n-ssi ! Im coming.'' Yuri yelled to a non existing voice.
''Lee rang-nim, you probably didn't hear but y/n-ssi called for me. I'll leave now. Take care of yourself.'' Yuri sprinted to her escape.

Lee Rang POV,

A few hours earlier, I felt like I would lose everything in my life, even myself. But now, I have almost everything I ever wished for. I got back with Yeon, overcame my fears and now I have y/n too.

Sometimes I wonder, how did she even manage to change a coldhearted jerk like me ? Well I guess, her passion was always greater than my ignorance. I didnt allow myself to open up my heart to anyone. I locked the door to it and threw away the key and I made that perfectly known to everybody. But she didn't care. She kicked the door down instead and strolled inside like she owned the place. While others wanted to kill the darkness within me, she embraced it with all of her heart.

I would have said, 'From now on im yours'. But wasn't I always.


Hey people ! I know this is a short update but it was actually quite difficult for me to write this as i've never done this before. So im sorry if the writing is not satisfactory. Stay tuned for the next chapters too ! Btw, we are half way through the story. I cant believe it's come so far.

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