Untitled Part 6

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       "You're sure this woman said Levi?"

"Almost positive," Hanji says, taking a bite of her fried rice. "The door closed right as she started to say his name."

Miche looks between the two of them curiously for a moment before bringing his own plate to the table.

"It seems to me, where Levi is, is irrelevant at this point. What we need to know is if we have access to that lab, you keep talking about. Until we know we have a way home, what difference does it make?"

Uncomfortable silence follows as they all shift their focus to their meal for the time being. Miche is not entirely wrong; they still have no clue how they will get home in the first place.

"We'll concern ourselves with both," Erwin says decisively. "Hanj, see what you can do about gaining access to that lab. What floor did this lady get off on? And what was the name of the person on the other end of the line?"

"YN, and the 4th floor."

Erwin nods and rises to wash his dishes. "Miche and I will scope this out. Maybe we can at least garner a way to contact Levi."

"If he wants to be found." Miche interjects. "He might not be all too keen on that, sounds like he and this YN are getting quite cuddly."

Hanji gets up after an awkward silence, tossing her plate unwashed into the sink. Erwin gives her an exasperated look.

"Welp, I'm off to see Charlie," she says and blushes at their chuckle as she heads to her room. "Don't you guys dare laugh when I come out."

They don't. Honestly, they are both quite stunned by the black cocktail dress and heels. After a few moments of mindless staring, they clear their throats and look away.

"You clean up nicely, Hanj."

"Yeah whatever, don't wait up." She tosses them a wink and heads out the door.

"I'll take first watch," Erwin says as he heads for the door. Miche nods and carries on with after dinner cleanup.

It's rather dull strolling up and down the fourth-floor hallway, so Erwin pulls out his phone and starts playing a game as he does so. A few people come in and out, but no one fits Hanji's description of the girl in question. With a sigh, he swipes a text off his screen and continues to play his game.

It's his manager, and when he texts this late at night, he's usually trying to convince Erwin to have sex with him. Or even with several other guys. Usually under the guise of a private photo shoot. This skeez will never learn. The phone tumbles out of his hand as he bumps into something that gives a startled "eep" noise. It's a young woman, blue-haired with a pierced nose.

Just like Hanji described to him.

"You seem distracted tonight, Hanj. What's the matter," Charlie asks. They had just come out of the theatre and are now heading to a nearby club for dancing. She really does like this man. He's sweet, funny, smart, and above all else, kind.

"I don't know," she lies and jumps guiltily when he takes her hand.

"Let's just go back to my place for coffee. Whatever it is, I will listen, and I won't judge."

Hanji nods reluctantly, and they head for his car. It may be time to come clean about her situation. Gods, does she ever hate this. She should have discussed this inevitability with Erwin! She takes a long, deep breath and waits for Charlie to get in the car before speaking, her words coming out with more relief than she imagined.

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