Untitled Part 10

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A/N: Sorry this took so long to get out! Next chapter might take some time as well, so hang tight my lovelies!

"I don't understand what we're doing here," Miche says. "We're bound to get in trouble, and you know it."

Hanji and Miche left early in the morning with the intent of checking out the portal site. It has been difficult to get close to it with the military presence being so strong. Not only that, but there's the fact that a couple large groups of fans have been camping out around the site. If there's one thing Hanji wishes the military WOULD do, it would have to be forcing these people to leave the site. Yet, they remain. Hanji expels a huge sigh and looks at Miche apologetically.

"I need to see if there's anything that can be construed as evidence here at this site. Anything. Now that I have access to a lab, I need to start working out ideas on how we can get ourselves home."

"Hanji, do you really even want to go home? Don't you love Charlie?"

"I do. Of course, I do but I love our people too, and I love our scouts. I can't abandon them whether you, Erwin, and Levi all decide to stay here or not; I'm going. That's all there is to it."

Miche sighs and follows Hanji to the edge of the cordoned off area. There are a few guards at this time in the morning, but other than that the rest of the soldiers are sound asleep. So are their little fandom. As they sneak past, one chubby but undeniably cute girl cradling a sign rolls over and mutters in her sleep. 'Want to have your babies, Levi'.

Hanji snorts in amusement and leans in towards Miche, whispering. "Why am I not surprised that baby girl is here?" They have seen her around several times since they first were transported to this world and the nickname just kind of stuck. Baby girl.

"Come on, Hanji," Miche whispers back. "Let's get this over with." She gives a short nod, and they continue to move around the barricade, looking for an opening and some potential clues. After a half an hour of trying to be inconspicuous, it appears the guard is changing. As the two soldiers exchanging duty walk towards each other, and away from the perimeter, it gives them enough time to make a move.

"Miche, you're quick. Get as close to the portal as you can. Soil samples, plants, anything. I don't care. A freaking bottle cap. Just grab what you can." She shoves a jar at him and then steps back, nodding encouragingly.

Rolling his eyes in defeat, Miche ducks under the barricade and moves quickly towards the spot where the portal initially opened. Ducking down behind a couple barrels, he reaches to scoop some gravel and various other things into the container that Hanji gave him. That's when he hears the voices come closer, and he freezes.

Hanji watches all of this with fists clenched nervously. So much is riding on it and hopefully their adventure into a military zone will prove fruitful. Noticing that the guards are coming back, she glances quickly in Miche's direction, willing him to hurry. No such luck and they're getting even closer, still. She moves off a couple feet and then yells to the soldiers, catching their attention.

"Hey! Hi! Over here!" She jumps and gives and enthusiastic wave. The two soldiers looked to one another and then approach, their faces stern.

"I need you to step back from the barricade, ma'am."

"Oh, I don't mean any harm," she says with an embarrassed giggle. "I'm just a big science nerd! Yes! The biggest! This has got to be one of the most fascinating things you've ever seen! I mean, it's certainly the most fascinating thing I'VE ever seen! Don't you just wonder how it happened? My curiosity is simply overflowing!"

"Ma'am, again, if you would please step back from the cordoned off area. Don't make us use force."

"Oh," she laughs again and gives them both a coy look. "Force you say? Nothing gets me going like science and apparently big, aggressive army boys!"

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