Untitled Part 8

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The radio is loud, but not as loud as the laughing conversations on the deck. Miche had brought Elise, after the two got off work, and now everyone is at YN's, food on the grill and relaxing.

Levi has opted to tend the grill, not really in the mood to socialize. He's too overwhelmed with the situation. Too upset with the constant turn of conversation going back to that fucking portal. He hears a slight hiss and feels something cold nudge the back of his head.

Erwin stands behind him with a grin, holding out a fresh beer. Levi takes it with a nod of thanks, and flips the steaks on the grill quickly, before turning the foil covered potatoes and corn.

"What's with the hair, Erwin?"

"Disguise." He had changed his cut up a bit, letting the top grow out a bit longer and shaggy. It's also a shade darker.

"Tch. You can't disguise for shit with them brows. Pluck the fuckers. Bam. New you."

"You know, according to Every Woman Magazine, these brows are a part of my appeal."

"Yeah," Levi deadpans, "I bet they tickle just right."

Erwin throws his head back with laughter at the jest, feeling a little verbally outwitted at the moment.

"You've changed, Levi."

"Nah," Levi says shaking his head. "Being in this world has made me finally feel like I can be myself."

"You still look the same old same old."

To that, Levi rolls up his sleeve, showcasing a tribal design wolf howling up at the moon.

"You a tattoo? Wonders never cease. Have you considered dyeing your hair? Blonde, maybe?"

Levi laughs outright at this, slapping now cooked food on a tray. He takes a swig of his beer, then sets it off to the side, nodding for Erwin to follow him.

"YN would put her foot down on that."

"So, that's where the pants went, hu?" Erwin chuckles and grabs the stack of plates off to the side, setting them out on the picnic table.

"It's not like that," Levi says, rolling his eyes. "Her opinion is important to me, though. Hey! Get over here and thank the fucking cook!"

Everyone's heads pop up at that, and Hanji is the first to arrive, seating herself with a grin.

"Hope your cooking has improved shortie."

"If it hasn't, I hope you choke on it, shitty glasses." He slaps a steak onto her plate, while watching you and Essie snuggled up in the corner and laughing about something Charlie just said. He knows they've all known each other from childhood, but their chumminess bothers him, nonetheless.

It's the eerie chance of everyone fucking knowing each other that is getting to him. YN and Essie? Roommates, and upstairs neighbors to Erwin, Hanji, and Miche. Charlie? Conveniently works in a science lab and childhood friend of YN's. Elise? He's not sure how she fits into this yet, but she must.

"When do you race again, Levi?"

The question jars him out of his reveries, and he calls for you before sitting down and answering.

"Can't legally drive without a license. Lucky, I got on the track at all today."

"Erwin can help with that," Hanji says around a mouthful of steak. Erwin is giving her a death glare. "What?" She swallows. "What'd I say?"

"Meaning I might have to appease that slimy prick to do so," Erwin growls.

"The slimy prick," Levi echoes.

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