goodbye mom ~chapter 2~

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It's been 2 years since he left , I still feel ... like at any minutes my body is going to leave me , I knew it was going to happen eventually,but him dying like this was just another thing for me to believe that life is just worthless

Me and my mom are now living in two bedroom apartment, and well she is not doing any better , she loved that man , and now she left with me .

I dropped out of college, it just made my health worst than it already was, I feel like I disappointed everyone, like literally everyone , I was supposed to go to college to have a career a job but hey now am just so dumb 18 year old working at Mac Donald and living with her mom , I have to get out of LA everything about this city make me think of him and it hurts , it hurts so much .

I have been saving some money for about a year, I want to be truly happy and live my life, I made him a promise. I received my final paycheck from work today and I quit , I think am finally able to buy a house in Boston , I want my mom to come with me but she wants to stay here , for her everything in LA makes her closer to him in some ways and I have to respect that, guess I have to get through this alone

A month of packing and finalizing the paperwork for the house and yet am here I am still wondering If I should go and leave her behind or stay here and let the pain kill me , she said she fine with it , and she wants what's best for me , but I know that deep down she is still processing the whole thing and wants me to stay . But after all that thinking am ready , ready to go am ready to leave and live life .

I woke up with my heart beating so fast , I don't how I found the strength to get my self up but I did , I wore a simple outfit a hoodie with some comfortable pants and my air forces

I woke up with my heart beating so fast , I don't how I found the strength to get my self up but I did , I wore a simple outfit a hoodie with some comfortable pants and my air forces

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Your outfit:

I knew it was time to go , I  said my goodbyes and  as walked out the door , I felt something in my chest I had to tell her , I knocked she opened the door and I let my self fall in her arms, were both crying I had to say it "mom ....."
"Yes sweetheart " she said crying "mom II love you "
"I love you too "

Author's note:
Hey guys hope your enjoying your reading so far
Idk about this chapter I feel like I rushed it but anyway!!!!

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