chapter 1

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The siblings were given the all clear from the doctors, they had no life threatening injuries just severely bruised with extensive scars.

A  week past and once the police visited and took statements from the boys since Skye wasn't willing to talk to them,  a social worker came in.

"So your DNA was run through the system and we found some family in New York" she said excitedly.

Alexander wasn't happy about this. "We are okay on our own" he spoke with no emotion.

"You're still a minor kid" the police officer said.

"Will they know about this abuse sir" James asked.

"Yes" the officer said.

"Please can you not tell them, we would like to be the ones to inform them, we don't trust easily and we want to make sure they are nice to us before we tell them our secrets, sir"  James said quietly, hoping to get his way by showing emotion.

"We don't have a choice I'm afraid, besides what are we suppose to say when they ask where you have been"  the officer said sadly.

"Please don't tell them, sir" Skye whispered with so much emotion it made the police officer a little emotional "they will want to know where you were" he said

"Tell them were were in the foster system and their was a car accident so we ended up in the hospital " Alexander said.

The police officer looked at the social worker who didn't know what to say. This was totally against protocol but the children were so afraid and especially Skye that they couldn't help agree.

"I only mentioned to their father that they ended up in hospital. I thought it would be best to explain what had happened in person, it could work " the social worker said to the officer.

"He will no doubt want hospital records though " the officer said still in doubt.

"Not necessarily, by the time he wants them I'm sure they will be comfortable enough to have told them the truth. They have just been discharged so he won't have to sign any papers" 

"We could get into trouble "

"Maybe but he said he would come pick them up as soon as possible "

"Fine. We will not disclose this information but it would be wise to tell him when you feel ready too" the officer finally agreed.

After that they were taken to the social workers office to wait for the arrival of their father.
They had been given fresh clothes and allowed to shower at the hospital so they almost looked like normal kids. They even had their hair cut, it had been nerve wracking but it needed doing.  The bruises on their face had almost dissapeared, the social worker had said she would tell him that they got it from the car accident.


Rafael had been in the middle of torturing some fool who thought he could steal from them, when his phone rang. He cursed as he looked at the unknown caller. Usually he wouldn't anwser especially when he was torturing someone but this time he did.

He wiped the blood splatter from his face with a towel and headed out of the room to take the call.

"Hello who is this" he asked.

"Hello I'm miss Jessie Moore, is this Rafael Romano"

"Yes. What do you want" Rafael asked harshly, he wasn't happy that a woman he had never heard of was calling him.
"Well Mr Romano I'm from social services in Ohio and I'm calling regarding Alexander, James and Skye"

Rafael's permenant glare darkened "dont you dare" he was cut off though
"I'm sorry sir but they were brought in a few days ago, a DNA test was done and it matches yours, would you like to take custody"

"I swear if you're messing with me" Rafael practically growled.

"No sir, they are currently in the hospital but should be out in a day or so"

"Why are my children in a hospital" Rafael asked.

"It would be best to speak in person. Would you like to take them in"

"Yes. Send over the details and I will be there as soon as I can" he said then proceeded to give the social worker his personal email.

That evening Rafael went home in a somewhat good mood. His triplets were coming home. After 10 years of searching, 10 years of obsessing over little dead end clues, he would finally have them back.

Lorenzo was telling off Marco and Nico when Rafael entered the house.
"What is going on" Rafael demanded.

"These little shits decided it was a good idea to take my car out. It's fucking scratched all the way along the side will be coming out of your allowance" he explained, telling the two boys the last thing.

"That was very reckless of you both. You will both loose driving privileges for a week" Rafael said knowing Lorenzo would fully handle it as it had been his car. Rafael couldn't care less about the car at this moment.

"Lorenzo with me, you can deal with them later" Rafael said glaring at his sons.

Lorenzo nodded also glaring at his brothers as he followed his father up to his office.

"What is it father " Lorenzo asked once inside the office.

"I had a phone call of a social worker today" he said taking a seat at his desk. He began turning on the computer to access his emails.
"Did the boys joyride get them in trouble with the police involving social services " Lorenzo asked.

"No, they found the triplets"

Lorenzo was speechless when he heard this. He remembered everything about them, he had been 13 when they were born and 17 when they were taken.
"Are you sure this is real" Lorenzo asked knowing the amount of people they had punished for telling them thought found the triplets or trying to pass themselves off as one.

"A DNA test confirmed it. I'm flying out later on"
"Very well. Would you like some company" Lorenzo asked.
"Yes, I'll be getting Leo to make them some rooms up"
"Okay where are they now"

"Ohio I'll have their location exact when I get up the details. Go inform our pilot that we will be going to Ohio and send in your brothers"

Lorenzo nodded and left.

Not long after there was a knock and once Rafael said enter, the others walked in.

"What's up father " Leo asked, being summoned was never a good thing especially since he had been summoned to the office with his idiot brothers.

"The triplets have been found and I will be going to collect them soon. Yes it is them, a DNA test has been done and I've just received a copy of the results through an email" Rafael announced.

"Why the hell do they have to come back. It's been 10 years, send them to an orphanage" Marco snapped.

Rafael was furious. He was about to speak his mind when Leo spoke "how dare you, we ought to send you to an orphanage simply for your lack of respect. I suggest you apologize for your comment. Right now" he said, his tone was calm but it had an undertone which promised nothing good.

"I'm waiting Marco. I suggest an apology before you really do cause me to loose my temper " Rafael spoke.

"Ugh fine I'm sorry" Marco said not wanting to anger his father.

"I wonder what their favourite colours are. God I've got so much to do, I wonder if the mall is still open" Leonardo said voicing his thoughts.
"What are you talking about Leo" Nico asked.
"Their rooms of course, I need to get them ready" he paused and turned to his dad "I can do that right? Whilst you go get them"
"Yes but hold off on customising them to much, they can do that themselves" he said.

"got it"

"Can I help" Nico said happy that his brothers and sister were coming back. He didn't remember much but he missed them.

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