chapter 31

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"so Lorenzo is on a business trip and he's taking Marco with him"  Rafeal announced at dinner..

"Why is Marco going, he's still in school surely he should be more focused on his education" Alex asked. He didn't care Marco was going, in fact he felt safer but after the attack. He was questioning everything.

He was scared the family was part of something much bigger. A gang maybe.

"Work experience" Lorenzo stated.

Marco looked at Alex, Alex was watching him almost like he was analysing him. Just like Lorenzo.

"What the fuck are you looking at me for" he snapped at Alex.

Alex glanced away.

Rafeal jumped to Alex's defence "I warned you not to speak to them lime that.apologize to your brother"

Marco glared but did as his father asked.

Later that night.

"Right kids if you need anything don't hesitate to message or call" Lorenzo told the triplets. He was the only one who knew about the abuse and he bad a good mind to track down the foster families and end them but he had to follow his father's orders and he wasn't the legal guardian so he wouldn't be able to get the records.

One day though. One day he would make them pay.

"And Leo says he's gonna help decorate your rooms so when I come back you can give me a tour" Lorenzo added.

They had ordered stuff online for their rooms when they first came and it was due in the next few days.

Alex was still unconvinced about the business trip but didn't say anything.

Meanwhile Marco had gone to find Nico.

"What do you want" Nico asked he was in the middle of reading a book on hockey tactics, he took sport very seriously.
"I need you to make sure no one goes near the triplets. Especially the guys I used to hang out with"

Nico closed his book "did something happen" he asked, he thought they had just had an argument he didn't realize the triplets were involved.

"Just keep them away from them. And if anyone but their friends or classmates goes near them I want you to tell me immediately" he said.

"Fine"  Nico agreed knowing if Marco was asking it must be serious.

The next day

Lorenzo and Marco sat on the plane to Ohio, each had a file stating everything they knew about this gang.

"You need to stop treating the triplets like shit. They don't deserve it"Lorenzo finally spoke closing the file.

Marco looked away.

"You of all people should be happy. They are back with us"  Lorenzo continued.

"But they aren't safe are they. Not with me around "

"Marco" Lorenzo sighed.

"No. You don't understand. You're the perfect older brother and I'm just the screw up. It's better they hate me that way I won't screw up" Marco got up and walked to another seat at the other side of the plane.

Lorenzo knew not to talk more about it.

The plane ride was silent.

Both brothers were glad when they landed and reached their fathers hotel.

They both decided to get some food and eat inside their penthouse room. "So tommorow we start. First we put some fear into the druggies. Tommorow a team will arrive and we will start attacking bases. They are most likely to be empty but just in case this person has a new gang formed we need to be careful"  Lorenzo explained

"Any idea who the person is"  Marco asked.

They had no information on the person.

"Male most likely. The gang was made up of all men. I'd say a young male most likely was on a drug run when the raid went down" Lorenzo said. They had nothing to go on.

"Okay well whoever it is we will put a stop to them"

"See you are capable of being nice. I will fucking destroy them , rip them apart piece by piece" Lorenzo said, his deadly side coming out.

"Anyway we have a big day tommorow get some rest"

Marco nodded. He was here to discover stuff about the triplets he didn't care to much about this person.

But Skye. He needed to make sure she had been safe.

He wondered if Lorenzo knew. Lorenzo definitely knew something but was it what he wanted to know.

"The triplets they lived here perhaps we could see what their home life was like once we are done" Marco dared ask.

He expected a no or maybe a yeah he didn't expect Lorenzo to glare at him "why would you want to look into their home life. I thought you didn't care"

"No but I'm not fucking stupid I carried Skye to the nurses office, she's fucking too light. I get that I haven't been the best but she acted like she wasn't in any pain after passing out in my arms. And don't get me started on the boys. Alex watched me beat those guys up and he didn't even flinch and I saw how one of them kicked him, he shouldn't have been able to walk" Marco ranted

"What are you trying to say" Lorenzo knew but he swore he wouldn't tell anyone.

Marco gulped, his eyes widened as he realized the signs. He had been so consumed by anger, by wanting them to hate him that he just snapped at them all the time.

"Where are you going" Lorenzo asked as Marco tried to leave.
"I'm going to fund their social worker and I'm going to make them tell me their foster families and then I'm going to slaughter them all. You are not going to stop me. I want them dead. I want them to pay for hurting the boys and my Skye"

"We can't get access it has to be dad, their legal guardian "

"So you had the same idea"

"If course I did. I want them dead too but right now you are going to calm down and we will look into the triplets home life once we have finished " Lorenzo said knowing now Marco wanted to come on this trip because he had suspected.

Marco had anger issues, when he was angry he couldn't calm down. He had them since the triplets got taken.

"I'm going out" he stated.

"Where" Lorenzo asked not wanting to bail him out of prison in the morning.

"Too rough up some druggies like you asked"

Lorenzo nodded and grabbed his jacket "I suppose letting our anger out on them will do us good" Lorenzo could control his anger but he knew after he got started on the druggies he wouldn't stop until he got the answers he needed.

Marco on the other hand was feeling two things. Anger, he wanted to kill anyone who harmed the triplets. And guilt. He had said some awful things to them. He was just as bad as the abusers and he wouldn't ever forgive himself.

Not that he ever forgave himself for what he did last time.

"I screwed up last time but never again" he whispered as he left the hotel room.

He believed he was a screw up. He never would forgive himself for what he did to them last time and now.

Okay so we getting closer to the chapter where it shows why Marco is the way he is.

Next chapter is going to be them dealing with the gang.

Perhaps a Marco backstory?

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