chapter 57

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"Skye come on its breakfast" James said that morning. They were doing there best to hide everything from the others.
Dealing with it between the three of them.
But when she didn't anwser they grew concerned. She was always up with a fake smile and ready to go down for meals.

Alex opened the door and both boys heart dropped when they didn't see her in her room.
"Skye" Alex called knowing if she was in the bathroom she would be able to hear.

"What if she went downstairs when we left to get changed" James said trying to remain calm.

"Its worth a check"  Alex replied.

Their hearts sank even further after rushing downstairs just to find their brothers and father.

"Where's Skye" Rafael asked knowing the boys wouldn't just leave her.

Alex was hesitant but James wasn't "we can't find her, she's not in her room" he quickly said.

"Its okay why don't you both have some breakfast and I'll go find her" Rafael said knowing Skye was somewhere in the house, probably outside Marcos room as he knew she wanted to  see him. And he didn't know how Alex would react so he suggested breakfast.

"You think we want breakfast when our sister is missing" Alex snapped.

"I'm not missing"

Earlier that morning

Both Skye and Marco had managed a proper sleep since they had been taken. Knowing each other was safe helped and being exhausted.

They both seemed to wake up at similar times though.

"You should go Skye, you need breakfast" Marco eventually said despite not wanting to let her out of his sight.

"You need breakfast too. Why don't you come down and eat" she said.

"I can't. I'm not ready to face them. They will pity me and act supportive but really I'm a disappointment" he said weakly.

"You are not a disappointment. Everyone is worried about you"

"I prefer to eat up here" he said.

"You're not eating are you? You're throwing the food away" she realised.

Marco felt guilty that she knew that,  he was her older brother, he was suppose to set a good example and yet he fucked up. Again.

"Okay I'm not going to make you, I know what it's like. I'll see you tonight?" She said asking if she could come back when everyone was asleep.

Marco silently nodded but after watching her leave, he started to worry if she'd be okay. Then he remembered she had Lorenzo, he was a much better brother.

But he felt calmer when she was around, just knowing she was okay made him feel okay.

So before he spiralled he cautiously left. Catching up with her on the stairs.

"You don't need to if you're not ready" she told him.

"I can't live in my room, I've got to leave sometime" he  said.

Skye noticed his tone was much more colder, she didn't say anything about it though as she knew he was doing it to protect himself.

"You think we want breakfast when our sister is missing" she heard Alex say

"I'm not missing" she then said as she entered.

"Oh thank god" James muttered and  went to hug her straight away.

He then realised Marco was stood a little further back. He smiled slightly at him.

Skye was still in the doorway so her family could see her but Marco was to hesitant to go in. She was safe now.He could leave. She would go in and have Alex and James watching her and Lorenzo would protect them.

But Skye didn't just walk in she turned behind and hoped he would come. James let go of her and went back to his seat.

"Why didn't you hug her" James asked Alex.

"She's here. Nothing to hug her for" he muttered. He was protective of his siblings but in front of the others he didn't often show much more affection as he was taught the hard way thst it was best to act like he didn't care when around others, but he could never switch off all his emotions. He would always be their protector.

"Come sit Skye" Rafael said not understanding why she was just looking behind.

Marco wanted to turn around, Skye already had 5 brothers, she didn't need him.

But one look at Skye's face had him following.

Everyone stopped what they were doing when Marco entered.

"I told you" he muttered to Skye refering to the pity.

"Okay enough staring, both of you take a seat" Rafael said.

Skye usually sat in between Alex and James but she wanted to sit next to Marco however he didn't want to seem weak so he took a seat quickly. He may have not wanted to seem weak but he made sure he could directly see Skye. Leaving Skye to sit in between Alex and James.

Lorenzo.    Leo
Alex.           Marco
Skye.           Nico
James.        -------

Alex and Marco glared at each other but Alex dropped the glare first. He didn't trust Marco but he was grateful and he had a little respect for him.

Marco kept glancing at Skye throughout breakfast making sure she was okay.

After breakfast was finished, Rafael decided to make an announcement.

"Right we have all had a rough few weeks. I want to have a family meeting in the living room with everyone"

Alex glared at Lorenzo who promised to give them time. He thought Lorenzo had told.

Which led Alex to confront Lorenzo after breakfast.

"We had an agreement, why did you tell" Alex snapped. He knew he was out of line and that he and James were going to talk to Rafael today but he was annoyed.

"I didn't tell dad anything. In case you didn't realise not everything is about you Alex" Lorenzo didn't like being accused of something he didn't do.

"I'm not the one with the massive ego " Alex defended himself.

"If dad knows about the abuse good. If not, I suggest you tell him today. You may be fine risking your wellbeing but I'm not . The three of you are suffering and I'm not covering for you any longer"
Lorenzo went to walk away but he was stopped by Alex's response.

"You don't care so stop pretending you do"

"I don't care? Are you fucking serious. The amount of stuff I've done. You have no right to even suggest that. And you don't get to use that tone with me. I want an apology"

"Whatever you'll never be my brother" Alex muttered and then said a simple "im sorry"

Hearing his words hurt. He heard his brother tell him he would never be his brother.

And then he shut the pain off. "Fine be the outcast, I know James and Skye consider me their brother. You can just be a live in guest"

"I hate you"  Alex didn't mean it though. He was angry.

"All this because you think I told dad you were abused. Its pathetic really. I should have told ages ago"

"Kids meeting. Living room. Now "

The atmosphere was tense as everyone was sat in the living room. Skye and Marco next to each other. Leo talking to James reassuring him it would be ok. Nico patiently waiting. Alex and Lorenzo glaring at each other.

"Its time we get everything out in the open" Rafael announced.

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