chapter 43

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School passed slowly for them. Skye was glad it was over despite not really wanted to go back. Lorenzo picked his siblings up and of course there was no conversation.

Once they got inside, Nico seemed to quite happily drag James away, despite Nico being in sports teams he loved classes so he was eager to talk science with James.

And Rafael appeared. He smiled at Skye and said he needed to talk to Alex. Alex was reluctant to leave her but after a glance at Rafael he agreed. Rafael was intermidating.

Skye headed upstairs, she couldn't help wonder if Marco was back so against her brother telling her to do her homework she went and checked. She quietly knocked on the door.

She didn't expect an answer and she was taken by suprise when Marco opened it.
"What is it. I want to sleep not deal with your stupid issues" he took his own issues out on her.

Skye blinked. This wasn't the Marco she had started to befriend.

"I...I j...just wanted to ch...check if you were o...okay" she stuttered out wanted to run away.

Marco snapped out of his bad mood when he heard her stutter. He hated that he was the cause of it.

"Sorry. I'm okay. I'm just taking my own problems out on you. I shouldn't have said those words" he apologized.

"Are you sure you're okay" Skye asked. She saw how Marco had a black eye. He might have been physically okay.  The black eye caught her attention but when she saw it, she also saw the emotional pain in his eyes.

"Come in" he said not wanting to talk in the hallway.

She did so knowing it was probably best as she knew he didn't want to talk about certain things.

"I deserved it, everything I've done to you three these past few weeks. I deserved it. I deserved it because I was a dick and treated you all like shit. I deserved it because I couldn't protect you three all those years ago"

"Yeah you did treat us awful but Marco, getting taken was not your fault. What he did to you, it wasn't your fault " Skye had heard Alex and James tell her it wasn't her fault so many times but she never believed them.

Marco smiled, it wasn't a real one though. "It will always be my fault. But like I said, I'm going to be nicer. I don't blame Alex"

"Now what are you really here for " he asked changing the topic.

Skye sighed. She wanted to talk to Marco about Lorenzo's decision. She didn't want it to come out and she knew Marco might understand. Alex and James were to protective of her so they would only get angry.

"Lorenzo wants to tell...Rafael about the abuse " she still couldn't fall him her father.

Marco looked a little taken back but nodded "I mean it makes sense, dad probably already suspects. You all need help" Marco could understand.
"Did you ever receive help" she asked.

"A little but I refused it. Maybe accepting it I would have been a better person. It's obvious I have a slight problem with my anger, so does Alex"  Marco explained.

"I just don't want the whole truth to be out. Lorenzo still thinks its just a foster family. I don't want them to know what they did to me. I don't want Alex and James to go through everything again"

Marco understood. He had never told them what truly happened. He still couldn't.

"I understand Skye" he said and opened his arms. She carefully stepped close enough for him to wrap his arms around her. She allowed him to hug her, she soon found herself having a small breakdown in his arms.

She hated feeling like this but she didn't know what to do.

"It's going to be okay. You're safe. No one will ever hurt you again" he whispered trying to comfort her.
"They can't know" she whispered.

"Then let Lorenzo tell father on the compromise they don't go looking into your past. When you are ready you will tell them. Dad is your legal guardian, no one but him can go digging into you past. He will sit you down and talk to three but tell him you're not ready, tell him not to go digging. He might still want to but he will give you time to open up if you  tell him you will talk one day" Marco advised.

"But what if they find out"

"Lorenzo only thinks you were abused by a foster family. That's all dad will know too. You will have to anwser a few questions but it will be okay" Marco tried.

"They can't know about what happened in that room" she whispered.

Marco held her tighter. "Okay. But please come to me, I know what happened, I need to know when you're not okay with it. I struggled for years. I still do sometimes. I know you won't go to Alex and James about it, you feel guilty, you feel they won't fully know what it's like but please come to me" he said.

Skye nodded. She was greatful for Marco.

The two hugged for some time , both not wanting to let go of each other.

Eventually Marco spoke.

"I wont let you three be taken from me again"

Shorter than normal but thought this was a good ending to leave it on.

I'm not going to be turning Marco into a complete softy he's still going to be a dick at times because he does have anger issues but he won't be as bad.

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