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This was bad. It had been five days since the girls left and already the mates were anxious. Alpha especially. He had started going out in town alone.

I want to see Melanie as well. I missed her presence. My mind had become clouded with only her. I was beginning to worry I was obsessed. I had become more reckless, I just wanted to get done with this. I wanted Mel back here.

"Both of you! I thought you were done!" Logan yelled as he entered the bar. Alpha and I were talking about the last run.

"Shut up." Alpha growled.

"What If Emily saw this?" Logan sighed. I looked over at Alpha. He was "playing" with his knife. "You are going to hold your child with those hands, Lucian." Logan finally said. The knife was immediately dropped. "You too, Rage." I sighed and put my knife back in my pocket.

"Henry is still hiding, I don't think he cares much for Mel, just her money." Alpha said. I slammed my hand down in the bar.

He's not getting it. I signed.

"He won't. She's an adult." Logan said. "Now, tell me about the run."

"They saw us and let off two shots before retreating." Alpha said. He was very upset about it.

"Fuck. They are trying to lure us for something." Logan said. He reached around the bar and grabbed a bottle of whiskey. "Where's Whiskey." He asked.

"Club. I don't want him here. I have Carbon and Ghost at the club too." Alpha answered him. Whiskey can hear more at the club. Drunk people weren't quiet people.

"This is so stressful! Emily's due soon and you aren't ducking there. And these dumb motherfuckers are leading us on!" Logan threw the bottle of whiskey across the bar. It smashed against the wall and shattered.

"Don't remind me." Alpha sneered. If I was having a kid I'd tear the Red Skulls apart. I think Alpha's already there.

All of our heads snapped to Alpha when his phone went off. He paused before answering.

"What?" He said rather roughly. "Are you fucking kidding me?!" Alpha jumped off his stool. I had to quickly catch it before it fell over. "Stay fucking there. They are still in town." The phone hung up and he called another number.

"Lucian, talk to me." Logan stood up as well.

Alpha put his hand up as he talked into the phone. Whoever he was talking to, he kept telling him code red.

"Girls are on lockdown, they are heading up there." Alpha finally announced. Logan swore before disappearing. Alpha yelled for a meeting.

Everyone hustled into the meeting room. Ghost and Carbon were told to wait at the club.

"What happened, Alpha." Cerberus asked.

"The Red Skulls found the girls." Alpha said.

"Why aren't we on the road!?" Rogue stood up.

"According to what I heard, they just left. We do need to get going." Whiskey nodded. He joined us because he heard the news.

"Rage, Rogue, Cerberus, and I will go. I need Bruiser here to hold the club down. Hex I need you on call. Zane, You can come with. The rest watch town. Rogue I need ten members." Alpha gave the orders before dismissing. Everyone immediately got into action.

I grabbed a few guns before heading to the garage. Zane was loading up the SUV while the others got on bikes. Ten minutes and we were out.

We drove as fast as possible to catch up. It took a four hour trip down to two and a half. The whole ride I was itching to tear apart the Red Skulls. They dare think they can fuck with our girls. I will carve them until only their organs are visible.

I can only imagine how Melanie is feeling. My precious Melanie is still new to club life. I can only hope she wouldn't run, not that I'd let her. She was fucking mine now.

When we finally pulled up the Red Skulls were already around the house. I counted ten. Five to ten, not bad odds.

They all had their guns in hand. Darius was standing at the front door with his arms crossed. I fucking hope those girls are in the safe room.

"Back down, Wolves." What seemed to be the leader of the group said. He was quite skinny for a biker, he was also shaky. He was on something. What a joke.

"You know that's not our name!" Alpha snapped. All attention moved from Darius onto us. It was like a stand off, who would shoot first.

"Just give us the land, dog!" Another Skull yelled. He was the bulkiest of the bunch. Clearly he was the only one that didn't live off a needle.

"Why do you want more land? You run a larger town than us!" Zane yelled back.

"You run where our buyers are." The shaky man said. He really was holding on his last thread of life.

"What about the mafia? They won't let you move in." Alpha said. So many clubs know little of the mafia also running the club. Oh how fun toying with them is.

"We know how to make a deal." A skull said. I've had enough of their chatter.

"Don't." Rogue placed a hand on my shoulder. He knew I had little restraint. I looked over to Alpha for his orders. He just shook his head slightly.

"You refused to give us land so we are starting a war." These motherfuckers really think they are starting shit. They've done nothing but threaten the town.

"Than start it." Alpha growled. The shaky skull lifted his gun towards the house. He pulled his trigger and shot through the front window. I didn't wait for order. I raised my gun and shot a skull in the leg. He fell to his knees dropping his gun. I shot at another. This time in the side. He immediately dropped.

Darius had now pulled a gun out. He shot the shaky guy. I watched as so many bullets flew threw the air. Not one hit Alpha. If that ever happened again Emily would have a heart attack. Fuck Melanie. I hoped she was ok. She better be with the other girls. As of now she couldn't use a weapon, we'd change that.

I snapped from my thought when a bullet caught my thigh. I groaned at the sudden sharp pain. I shot a bullet between the eyes of the man who just shot me, leaving him dead. I fell against my bike as another bullet shot in my side.

"Rage, fuck!" Cerberus dropped to my side. The places the bullets hit began to feel hot and numb. Slowly feeling everywhere stopped. I couldn't speak or sign. My eyes dropped closed and I could only hear.

"They're dead!" Was the last thing I heard.

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