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Fucking hell! If I don't find my mate in the next twenty four hours, I will loose my shit. I've already flipped every table in this fucking bar. Why the hell wouldn't she just let us take care of him! Alpha was in step away from slashing the man's throat.

I stomped to the room Hex uses. He had multiple things up on screens.

"Hey rage." Hex nodded. He didn't look up though. He just continued typing away.

I moved next to him so he could see me. What do you have? I sighed. Hex pointed to a screen with a radar and a red dot. I'm assuming that is where Mel's ring is. In fucking Maine. What the hell. How did they get there in less than twenty four hours. Shit. That the other side of the country!

"She seems fine. I don't notice any signs that she's getting beat yet." Hex pulled up another picture. It was a street view the woods, however far in the distance,  a truck identical to Henry's was moving down a path. Google maps got lucky.

"He must have bought a house to move her into. She is attending a studio called adagio." Hex read.

"Where is Alpha." I yelled as I turned out of the room. We better fucking leave now.

"Rogue has already got people prepared." Bruiser said as he left his office. "I'll stay here while alpha goes with you. Logan is prepared if anything goes wrong." Bruiser informed me.

How are we getting there? I sighed.

Plane. Bruiser signed back. Him and Vanessa were the only ones who ever signed back.

I nodded before heading downstairs. Alpha was talking with Ghost. The rest of the club was in the armory or elsewhere.

"Rage, before we leave I need you to calm down. We don't need reckless Rage." Alpha said. I shook my head. It's not going away. I haven't been this angry since I left my parents, and that did not end well.

I will kill whoever stands in my way. I signed. I will kill my self if she's dead. Everyone with a mate would agree with me. Once a rider finds a woman to keep for the rest of their lives, that's if. No other woman could replace the feeling.

"Cool it." Alpha demanded. I took a breath before turning back to my room. Fuck he was right.

I took the bag of guns again from my closet. This was becoming too familiar.

I grabbed my black jeans and a black fitted t-shirt. I can't wear my cut and I have to cover my tattoos. A leather jacket would be stashed into my bag for cold weather. We will most likely take the trucks. Bikes and snow don't mix.

Before I left the room I dropped onto the bed. The knife on my bed stand looked inviting. It hasn't even been two full weeks since we got the girls back. Why can't people just leave us the fuck alone.

I gripped the comforter of the bed before throwing it aside. Fuck I'm so angry. It was as of my vision was red. I wanted to really hurt someone.

I decided sitting around and listening to the demons in my head was useless. I got up and grabbed my bag.

Everyone was ready at the bar already. Alpha was on the phone with someone by the door. I made my way over just as he hung up.

"The girls are at my house. And the kid." He scoffed. I am assuming he was talking about Vanessa's brother.

Let's go. I signed. Alpha gave a curt nod.

"Move out." He called. Everyone picked up their bags and headed for the trucks. We couldn't take a plane because we were carrying many illegal weapons that are loaded.

"This is going to be a long ride." Cerberus sighed from the front seat. He was right. Alpha was driving and I was put in the back. Cerberus took away the weapons so I couldn't harm myself. I just wanted to see my mate again.

It's been eight hours and we've just stopped to eat. We decided to switch drivers every few hours so we don't have to stop to sleep.

We stopped at a gas station to refuel the truck. Luckily the gas station had a section of hot food. I turned to pick a sandwich up but was shocked by a baby staring right at me. He looked a little older than one. Well I mean he was walking.

I assumed the baby was a boy because he was wearing a shirt that said "I'm a mama's boy".

The baby raised his arms and made a noise that was like a scream but it wasn't loud. It gave me a feeling of wanting, but I don't know what.

"Rage, why are you just standing..." Cerberus stopped when he saw the baby. It was clear the baby was confused. I don't think the baby has ever seen two very large men dressed in all black clothes. I'm sure we look like criminals.

"Dante!" A women came around the corner to pick up the baby. Whom I now know is Dante. The women gasped when she saw us. "Oh, I'm sorry, he likes to use his new found skill everywhere but home." The women apologized. She has no ring. Maybe a boyfriend? If Hannah were here she'd scold me for assuming, but she has a baby.

"It's alright." Cerberus answered. I cocked a brow at him before turning and walking away. I have no time to be talking to random people. I grabbed a sandwich and headed for the counter.

After I paid I headed back to the truck. Only a couple  days before I get to see my mate again.

My Protectorजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें