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It's been another week, I think. I can't really tell. I know it's been too long. We moved again. We were blindfolded once again and shoved in a van. At this point we could be in Maine, the opposite side of the country. I doubt it though.

Hannah has serious morning sickness and a lot more emotional than before. She's been trying to keep calm, but it's hard.

We were thrown into another basement, this one was a little warmer. We still only get meat bread and water for food though.

"What is taking them so long." Hannah cried.

I rubbed her back. I hoped they didn't give up. I don't think they would... would they? I mean. Dominic just asked me to be his mate.

"They... they are coming. L- Lucian won't let- let me die here." Emily buried her head in her knees.

"They won't leave us here." Vanessa tried. Though I knew even she was scared. Vanessa was seemingly the most innocent out of the girls, but she tried to be the strongest.

"Can w- we talk about something else?" I asked. We all were becoming weak mentally and physically. I have never had a stuttering issue, I'd be beat if I did. But the last few days I've started stuttering more and more.

"Please." Vanessa said.

"Um, I don't know. I'm just tired." Hannah said. We've been trying to keep her healthier than the rest of us. She had been eating more than us and getting more rest. She tried many times to give us more food, but we refused.

"I want to dance again." I said. I missed it. I knew classes probably already started. The girls were probably wondering where I've been. I never missed a dance class. My father would murder. I've only missed once, because I had a fever.

"You will." Vanessa patted my knee.

"I m- miss my baby." Emily sobbed. I could only imagine how she's feeling.

Hailey placed her hands over her bump. It has grown a little bit. She's had some trouble covering it up. They had given us some clothes since the did kidnap us in swimsuits.

"Motherfucking Riders need to listen." A dark voice rang down the hall. Whoever he was talking to didn't answer.

Their heavy boots echoed down the hall. We all huddled together as keys jiggled against the door. Hopefully it was just food.

"Good evening ladies! Your little boy toys seemed to have disappeared from our radar." The same man that spoke in the hall said.

None of us answered. I hoped that meant they were close. I pray that Dominic is searching for us. I miss him more than I thought I even would. I want his arms wrapped around me. It didn't bother me that he would often come into the club smelling like blood. I didn't care. I loved him.

"It would be a real shame if they stopped looking for you." The man fake pouted. The other man that hasn't spoken leaned against the doorway. He was pretty large and covered in colorful tattoos. He glared at us with an expressionless face.

A bag was dropped in front of us by the first man. It was a brown paper bag. "Your food." The man smirked. He turned on his heel and left with the other man following. The door slammed shut and locked before they retreated.

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