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It's been a week since we found the Red Skulls spying on us. Logan has been at the club a lot lately. Emily mentioned he runs a big business that helps the club, but I'm not sure what it is. I'm starting to think Rage told them to keep it from me.

I also have been sleeping in Rage's room recently. After the news of the Skulls, I was really anxious and couldn't sleep. Rage saw my light on and led me back into his room. It was really comforting so I just stayed there.

Cowboy has become more full time at the actual club. He is the only one though. I don't think they know Cowboy is a member. He doesn't usually wear his cut.

Emily had brought Dorian out to the bar. I was holding him and he was the cutest baby. He thought all the bar decorations were the most amazing thing to look at, and my face. But I think I know why.

The guys were having another meeting. They have had church twice today. I have no idea why. Something must be happening.

"Has Rage mentioned anything to you?" Hannah asked. I shook my head no. I know Rage has a lot on his mind, but he said he's not allowed to tell me about this. I also know my father is getting closer to walking in this club and taking me.

"Another!" A member slammed his glass down on the bar. The prospect behind the bar hurried to get his drink.

"Who's that?" I asked.

"A problem. He's an old member but he messed with Emily a bit when she first arrived. His name is Henry actually." Vanessa explained. That's ironic.

"Lucian messed him up and now he stays far away from any of us." Hannah shrugged. I did not want to know what that meant.

Henry downed whatever the prospect repoured for him. Some of these men were people to not mess with, even if I knew they wouldn't hurt me.

"So what's the news about you and Rage?" Emily suddenly asked me. I tilted my head in confusion. "Anything new?" She asked.

"Not really." I shrugged. Hannah gave me a knowing look. I knew they knew about me sleeping in his room. "We haven't done anything." I already knew I was blushing.

"They're out!" A member shouted. I turned towards the meeting room. Sure enough the boys all filed out with stressed expressions.

Rage came straight for the bar. He ordered himself a drink before sitting down next to me. Clearly that meeting wasn't good.

"Can you talk about it?" I asked him. He shook his head no. I sighed. I knew I wasn't anyone to know what was going on anyway. I wasn't claimed or a member.

"My office, let's go." Rage stood up and ushered me out. I quickly said by to the girls and followed him. As soon as we were inside he locked the door.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

Instead of answering he gripped my waist and pulled me in for a kiss. It was rough and fast.

"These fucking Red Skulls need to learn their place." Rage growled. He dropped down in his chair behind his desk.

"No progress?" I asked. I was trying to be calm about it since he was angry.

"They are hiding in town." Rage showed me a picture of Red Skull vest laying on the ground next to the club. "They are leaving us signs, that's it." He slammed the picture down making me jump. "Sorry, Babygirl." Rage groaned.

I sat down in a chair across from him. I couldn't help him much in this situation. I just had to listen to him. I hated seeing him this stressed. He was already an anxious man, and now this made it worse. I noticed he also got mad at himself more. That made me really sad. I liked Rage a lot now. Maybe even... love him. That was a far step though. I've never felt much love so I wasn't sure what it felt like. I knew I didn't wanted to leave Rage's side now. As much as I wanted to remove myself from his already stressful life, I couldn't.

"Come here." Rage gestured me around the desk. I made my way around the desk to him. He pulled me to his lap and buried his nose in the crook of my neck. I decided to test something.

"Dominic..." I tried. He grunted. I wasn't sure if it was a good grunt or he hated it. "Can I help in anyway?" I asked.

Dominic let out a breath. It feels better calling him that. Calling him Rage felt like I didn't care at all.

"I'm tired of fucking waiting." Dom said. What was he talking about.

"What?" I asked. I felt a tight squeeze around my waist before he set me on the desk in front of him. His hands rested on my thighs. His grip was tight which made me worried.

"There is a lot going on." Dominic took a deep breath. "I want you to be my mate, Melanie." He looked directly at me. He was nervous.

He just asked me to be his mate! Me! It definitely was not what I was expecting. I didn't even think Dom liked me that much yet. Maybe I just don't know what it feels like when someone likes me. Either way I was shocked. Coming here I didn't think anyone would even want me to stay, and now the man who has shown barely any emotion is asking me to be his mate.

I never really saw myself with a biker, no one really. Thought I'd live my life out as a ballet dancer until I couldn't dance anymore. But I want to spend my like with Dominic. I've grown to love this club. It was like home, even though it smelled a lot like alcohol. I didn't mind though.

I let a smile slip on my lips before answering. "Yes, my love." I said. I didn't even realize I said my love until after it came out. I didn't correct it though. I felt confident with how I felt now.

Dom pulled me down to kiss him. His hands rubbing my thighs. I could tell he was happy.

"I'll protect you always, Babygirl." Dominic said when he pulled away. It was a promise. One I knew he would keep.

"Now we have to tell everyone else." I smiled. Dom shook his head.

"That's going to be annoying." He groaned. I nodded and relaxed as he leaned against my stomach.

I'm glad stumbled into this bar. I'm glad I met the girls and Dominic. I'm excited for my future here.

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