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'What happened to him?'

They all looked at each other, then at him sadly as he sat there and repeated the same words he had been saying for a while now. When they first saw him, he had seemed perfectly fine, in fact, he was very thrilled to see them, to know that they were not in harm's way, but the problem was that he himself was harmed. He was no longer the same, he seemed to be troubled, pained and stuck in some sort of trance all of a sudden. It had all happened so fast and it seemed to be a dream, but it was indeed reality, it was indeed the nature of the many things that now happened to them.

Everything had changed and they were on a path to accept it, to embrace it and try as much as possible to take charge of their situation.

'He seemed to be okay only a few moments ago, he even said he would celebrate with us,' one of the three figures said as the man who was in front of him said once more;

'It should have been me, it should have been me.'


Tamuka's search for Hombarume had been royally futile so far. The hunter was elusive and had better experience at hiding than all of his own men combined, therefore looking for him in the midst of strangers was going to be agonizing. Just as he was about to head to Makura at first light, one of the other parts of his team reconvened with them and to Tamuka's surprise, they had done something that was far much better than capturing a fugitive hunter. They had found a Prince.

The Legend of Hombarume (Legends Series, #1)Where stories live. Discover now